Neoliberal Reforms and the Political System in Albania


Student protest against neoliberal reform on higher education in Albania Source: Institute for Critique and Social Emancipation Tirana (ICSE)

“Logu i Shkëndijes” social center
Rr. Abdulla Keta 1
Tirana, Albania

The Institute for Critique and Social Emancipation Tirana (ICSE), a partner organisation of transform! europe, is hosting a lecture followed by a discussion on Albanian economic policy during the transition from a centralised economy to an opposite economic policy extreme.


In the last three decades, neoliberal ideologically inspired economic policies have changed the Albanian economic structure. The transition from a centralised economy of the Stalinist type to an opposite economic policy extreme has formed the background for many characteristic phenomena of the system change.

The lecture focuses on a description of the historical context of the Albanian economy, the design of economic policy during the transition and its social and political consequences.

A lecture by: Sofokli Meksi

Interpretation: Albanian

Organised by: Instituti për Kritikë dhe Emancipim Shoqëror / Institute for Critique and Social Emancipation in co-operation with transform! europe

1 Dec 2022, 18:30 (CET)
Logu i Shkëndijes” social center
Tirana, Albania

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