Planning for Transformation: Visions from China, Southeast Africe, and Western Europe


The new weekly webinar series, organized by transform! europe together with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels and New York Offices, focused on developing internationalist visions for Green New Deal(s) that will work for the whole planet in the post-Covid era.


In the current and post-Covid landscape – and with the planet roiled by crises, from climate inaction to soaring inequality and state violence – It is abundantly clear that planning is back on the political agenda worldwide. However, it is still far from clear what sort of planning this will be: authoritarian or democratic, reactionary or emancipatory.

A long-term green industrial policy and a revolution in care work together form the cornerstone of the socioecological transformation we so clearly need. This is the task for progressive and left forces across the world, and it is a task that must be achieved in a matter of decades.

To address this need, any Green New Deal must include a radical regulatory approach that combines centralisation with decentralisation, long-term planning with smaller-scale initiatives and innovation and the expansion of public ownership and state control on the economy with the strengthening of democratic selfadministration and broad participation.

This webinar will discuss the historical experiences, current challenges and diverse approaches to planning for the Green New Deal(s) we need now, with views from China, Southeast Africa and Western Europe.

Jane S. Nalunga, Country Director of the Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute, Kampala
Qingzhi Huan, Head of the Peking Centre for Environmental Politics Research at the Research Institute of the Institute of Marxism, Peking University
Hilary Wainwright, Editor of Red Pepper Magazine and Fellow of the Transnational Institute, Amsterdam

Michael Brie
, President of the Scientific Advisory Board of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin

English to Spanish interpretation

This webinar series is organized by transform! europe together with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels and New York Offices, in collaboration with the Institute for Policy Studies, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policyand the Transnational Institute (TNI).

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