Self-management in Europe

Change work, enterprise and production, promote common goods

Via Castruccio Castracane 30


Workshop organized by transform! europe and transform! Italia in collaboration with GUE/NGL, Cercare Ancora, Altramente and the University of Camerino.


On fights, experiences of work and production, social networks, as well as institutional aspects and considerations.

transform! europe is following the definition of the Commons and social movements related to it. A first meeting was held in Paris on the subject of Common Good also as a space of social reappropriation.

In this context the workshop opens a space of reflection on the theme of self-management of workers in factories and workplaces, which will develop its own process of analysis and initiative.

See also:


Friday, 12 June

10:00 Welcome

10:30 Opening Session

  • Fausto Bertinotti: Self-management and capitalist restructuring
  • Pierre Dardot: Self-management, social reappropriation and Commons
  • Claudio Tognonato: The Argentinian experience
  • Camerino University: The legal aspect of self-management in Italy

11:30 Coffee break

11:45 Session 2: Relations from France, Greece, Slovenia, Spain

13:30 Lunch break – buffet

14:30 Session 3

  • Gianni Rinaldini (Fiom):  Self-management, workers’ consciousness and social coalition
  • Aloscia Castronovo: The new form of social reappropriation
  • Alberto Zevi: The Italian experience with the Marcora’s law
  • Eleonora Forenza (GUE/NGL): The Commons in the European Parliament
  • Contributions on network, aspects of the organization of work, relationship with the territories, relationship with institutions and legislative systems

17:00 Break

17:15 Discussion

19:00 Concluding session


Saturday, 13 June

Discussion on the course and the initiative in October, presentation and discussion on a European project for self-management

13:30 Concluding session

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