Seminar Genoa 2001-2011


Palazzo Ducale (Sottoporticato)
Piazza Matteotti

The Future Of The Alternative Globalisation Movement

Land, Water, Food, Energy, Common Goods, Peace

Theology Of Liberation, Latin America


A lectio magistralis which aims at report the current views by François Houtart, one of the leading and influential exponent of the alternative globalisation movement. The issues and the contents, the culture and the politics, of the emancipatory and alternative activity of the social movements and of the political forces on the world scale.


Meeting with

FRANÇOIS HOUTART (sociologist, cofounder of the World Forum for Alternatives and promoter of the World Social Forum)

with a contribution by: Don ALBERTO VITALI (Pax Christi)

Introduction by: GIORGIO RIOLO (president of Associazione Culturale Punto Rosso)

Organization: Associazione Culturale Punto Rosso, World Forum for Alternatives

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