Summer University 2023 of the Party of the European Left and transform! europe

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Poljanska cesta 26
1000 Ljubljana

registration accommodation included

registration day guests

The EL and transform! europe Summer University 2023 will take place in Ljubljana (Slovenia), from the 6th to the 9th of July 2023.


As every year, transform! europe and the Party of the European Left are organising the Summer University.
This year it will take place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) from 6 to 8 July. It will be a great opportunity to meet and address strategic issues before the 2024 European elections, and also to find common strategies for a European election campaign that we know will be difficult.
We need all our intelligence, organisation and unity to stop the long black wave that is sweeping our continent. We want to address in particular the young generations who have the task of overcoming insecurity and injustice in order to imagine a better future. That is why we have decided to reclaim the future.

You can find the draft programme here below (subject to changes).


Accommodation included:
at the DIC (Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja) dorms, Poljanska cesta 26, 1000 Ljubljana – click here to register

No accommodation needed – click here to register

For more information, visit the website of the European Left.


Simultaneous translation will be provided in English, French, and Slovenian.

Thursday, 6 July 2023

Arrivals in the morning

14.00-14.30 (CET) – Opening / Welcome speeches

14.30-16.00 (CET) – Plenary – “New World Order: lessons from Latin America and the Middle East for non-alignment”

16.00-16.15 (CET) – Break

16.15-17.45 (CET)  – Plenary – “Against the increasing costs of living: healthcare and housing are not commodities!”

17.45-18.00 (CET) – Break

18.00-19.15 (CET) – Seminar/Workshops – Seminar – “What do digital revolution, robotisation and automation mean for the Left and the workers?”

19.30 (CET) – Dinner

21.00 (CET) – Concert: Darko Nikolovski rap concert

Friday, 7 July 2023

10.00-11.30 (CET) – Plenary – “Post-fascism and new fascists: the kidnapping of the EU by the far right”

11.30-11.45 (CET) – Break

11.45-13.00 (CET) – Seminars/Workshops

– Workshop/training about campaigning for 2024: topic for a campaign example (living wages)
– Seminar on Culture

13.00 (CET) – Lunch

14.30-16.00 (CET) – Plenary – “Peace is our victory: now and for the future, in Ukraine and everywhere!”

16.00-16.30 (CET) – Break

16.30-18.00 (CET) – Plenary – “Militarisation and climate change: a neglected link”

18.00-18.15 (CET) – Break

18.15-19.30 (CET) – Seminars/Workshops

– Seminar – “How ecological was Marx? Climate change and Marxism”
– Workshop/training about campaigning for 2024: preparation of the campaign example

20.00 (CET) – Dinner

21.30-22.30 (CET) – Concert of Lara Jankovic (TBC)

Saturday, 8 July 2023

10.00-11.30 (CET) – Plenary – “Intersectional approach for our battles: feminism, migration, LGBTQ+ and ageism”

11.30-11.45 (CET) – Break

11.45-13.00 (CET) – Seminars/Workshops

– Workshop/training about campaigning for 2024: presentation of the campaign example
– EL Youth Network seminar

13.00 (CET) – Lunch

14.30-15.45 (CET) – Seminars/Workshops – A media strategy for the European elections in 2024

16.00-17.00 (CET) – Conclusions: EL priorities for the 2024 European Elections

17.00-21.30 (CET) – Visit of the “Red Ljubljana” (in English) (TBC)

22.00 (CET) – Closing party: DJ Nataša Sukič – at the Metelkova City

Sunday, 9 July 2023


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