The rise of China and the crisis of neoliberal capitalism


Anton-Fingerle-Zentrum, Mensa, Schlierseestraße 47


In view of the escalation of the trade war between the USA and China the Institut für sozial-ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (isw) invites you to a conference of particular topicality in collaboration with transform! europe.


Ding Xiaoqin, Hu Leming, Yang Hutao, Ingar Solty, Werner Rügemer, Walter Baier, Wolfgang Müller.

The conference will be held in German.

€8 / Concessions €5

Organisational information:
Admittance on Friday from 6.15pm; and on Saturday from 9.00am.

The conference venue is easy to reach via public transport:
U2 / S3 / S7 to Giesing train station; the no. 54 bus or no. 18 tram to Werinherstraße stop.

Catering: lunch is available on-site at Mensa.

For more information or (interview) inquiries please contact Kerem Schamberger:


Download the event flyer on the right (PDF) (German).


On Friday 11 October we will start at 7pm with Werner Rügemer:
the new system conflict between the US-led West and the People’s Republic of China: logics of development and global significance.

There will also be an opening address from Walter Baier, Political Coordinator of the transform! europe network.

On Saturday the conference will feature the following speakers:

Prof. Ding Xiaoqin (President of the Shanghai Academy of New Silk Road Economic Development China): China’s socio-economic perspective: socialist market economy – state capitalism mixed system – neoliberal convergence?

Prof. Hu Leming (Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): tba

Prof. Yang Hutao (Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): tba

Wolfgang Müller (Author, China expert): US economic war – EU ambivalence

Ingar Solty (Political Scientist, Lecturer at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation): the organic crisis of capitalism and the future of the Left

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