transform! at the Citizen Summit for the Climate

transform! is glad to present the final programme of the Citizen Summit for the Climate to be held in Montreuil (adjoining city of Paris) on the forthcoming weekend.


As an international support of the ‪#‎CoalitionClimat21‬, transform! will facilitate three activities on 5 and 6 December:

1. Conference: “Europe’s Productive Transformation, towards a New Model of Development”

2. Conference: “EU Vision for an Energy Union – our Critique and Counter-Proposals”

3. Pannel Discussion: “What Relevance of the Commons and Self-Management for a Social and Ecological alternatives?”

Please find the detailed programme below.

See also:


Conference: “Europe’s Productive Transformation, towards a New Model of Development”

Facilitator: Maxime Benatouil

Date and Time:Saturday, 5 December, 10am – 12am

Location: Lycée Jean Jaurès (Montreuil), Room 314

The achievement of the ecological transition requires to think of a new model of development, capable of meeting social needs, breaking with austerity, relocating production, and implementing economic democracy. We believe that the concept of Productive Transformation developed by our Southern European comrades is an excellent starting point to tackle all the necessary changes to be undertaken in order to overcome productivism- and finance-led capitalism. Trade unionists, economists, activists, and progressive politicians from across Europe will discuss what could take the shape of a plan for Europe’s productive transformation.


  • Elisabeth Gauthier (Managing Board of transform! europe)
  • Bernard Devert (CGT Metal Workers)
  • Giorgos Chondros (SYRIZA, responsible for Energy issues)
  • Josef Baum (Party of the European Left, Working Group on Environment)
  • Angelina Giannopoulou (Nikos Poulantzas Institute)
  • Christian Pilichowski (former CGT Metal Workers, Espaces Marx)
  • Dominique Plihon (Scientific Board of ATTAC France)
  • Roland Kulke (Brussels Office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)


Conference: “EU Vision for an Energy Union – our Critique and Counter-Proposals”

Facilitator: Maxime Benatouil

Date and time:Saturday, 5 December, 2pm – 4pm

Location: Lycée Jean Jaurès (Montreuil), Room 314

Made public in early 2015, The European Commission (EC)’s strategy for an Energy Union has a threefold objective: to create and implement a common energy policy, to increase competitiveness, and to complete the internal market. The EC strategic framework focuses mainly on the security of energy supply and on the creation of a competitive energy market – which would remain for too incomplete with regard to tackling energy poverty. As it stands, the Energy Union is a further step towards the commodification of energy for the benefit of the monopolies and multinational corporations. The Transform! / Akademia Working Group on Energy, gathering academics and activists from across Europe, published recently the E-Book “A New Energy to Change Europe”, will present some of the outcomes of the joint working process that led to achieve a fair and comprehensive energy transition. The floor will also be given to other European progressive actors, most notably from the European Greens.


  • Manuela Kropp (Scientific Advisor to MEP Cornelia Ernst – GUE/NGL, Die Linke)
  • Jean-Claude Simon (independent researcher, Transform! Working Group on Energy)
  • Josef Baum (Party of the European Left, Working Group on Environment)
  • Helmut Selinger (ISW – Institute for Social, Ecological and Economic Studies)


Pannel Discussion: “What Relevance of the Commons and Self-Management for a Social and Ecological alternatives?”

Facilitator: Chantal Delmas

Date and Time:Sunday, 6 December, 10am

Location: Lycée Jean Jaurès (Montreuil), Room 311.

A first part will be dedicated to what has been achieved in terms of co-operatives, self-management and commons with examples such as Fralib (France), Officine Zero (Italy), Vio Me (Greece), as well as experiences of commons (water, electricity, etc.) This will allow us to tackle the articulation between social and ecological issues at the grassroots level. Secondly, the speakers will address the questions revolving around the path towards a fair social and ecological society: what state? Public services or commons? Property and right of use.


  • Roberto Morea (transform! Italy)
  • Francine Mestrum (Global Social Justice)
  • Elisabetta Cangelosi (co-ordinator of the intergroup on the commons at the European Parliament)
  • A representative of “Association pour l’autogestion”
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