The Covid-19 pandemic has increased the uncertainty of our lives, pointing up the serious disconnects between institutions, communities and everyday life. The population feels a distrust of the dynamics and processes that exist between these areas. Therefore, we start to talk about different institutional models.
But what is a new institutional model? What is a transformational institutional process and dynamic?
Faced with this challenge, we want to initiate a discussion of the following questions:
- Can we think of a new institutional model? That is to say, can we think of an institutional model that, together with the three traditional arms of government and beyond traditional formulas of representation, guarantees public democratic control over state policy?
- Through our institutional political practice and across the different levels (local/state/supranational), can we create a new structure?
- At this special point in time, is community resilience not a key concept to meet major challenges and ensure the sustainability of life?
The conference, organised by the Iratzar Foundation in cooperation with transform! europe and Parte Hartuz, takes place face-to-face in the Iratzar venue in Donostia/San Sebastián (Basque Country), and online via the YouTube channel of Iratzar Fundazion.
To participate (both online or in person), please send an Email to
Please find the programme also on the right for download (PDF).
22nd April
16:00 – 16:15 Introduction
16:15 – 18:30 FIRST PANEL
The post-Covid state in the age of disorder
- Jon Azkune, UPV/EHU lecturer. “A relational reading of the state. Starting out from Poulantzas’ ideas”.
- Ane Irazabal, ternational reporter. “A world (dis)order”.
- Jean Noel Etxeberri.Txetx, social activist. “The relationship between state, community and economy”.
- Jone Etxebarria, philosophy lecturer and president of Koop57.
19:00 – 20:00 TALK
How to (re)think our community using an emancipatory approach
- Saskia Sassen, sociologist.
- Andoni Olariaga, philosopher and representative of Iratzar Fundazioa.
23rd April
10:00 – 14:00 SECOND PANEL
Occupying power to construct a good way of living together.
1ST DISCUSSION: Can we set out from the existing political structure of regional and community government?.
- Pello Otxandiano, Secretary of Sortu.
- Eoin Ó Broin, Member of parliament for Sinn Féin.
- Patri Perales, teacher and member of parliament in Navarra.
2ND DISCUSSION: Analysing intersectionality between institutions, community and transformational practices.
- Nerea Kortajarena, social worker and member of parliament for EAE.
- Ulrik Kohl, ecologist and former Copenhagen city councillor.
- Karlos Renedo, architect and member of the Hiritik – art cooperative.
- Idoia Zengotitabengoa, sociologist and representative of Iratzar Fundazioa.
16:00 – 18:00 THIRD PANEL
How can we fit economy, social fabric and place together? What interpretation can we make on the basis of actual practices?
Sovereign people
- Andoni Egia, urban development expert, Hernani town council.
- Larraitz Ugarte, lawyer and head of communication at EHBildu.
- Xabier Senosiain, social activist.
18:00 – 18:30 Conclusions and close.