Using politics and science to combat the TTIP and FRACKING

3rd Conference of the Euro-Mediterranean network of social movements and entities against the abusive exploitation of fossil fuels


The leaning of a large portion of the population towards capitalism that understands extraction as a resource, implies the need to develop a New Culture of the Territory. Alternatives that focus on a different relationship with our natural environment and that take into account the limits of the planet need to be found. Therefore, it is crucial to create or to develop an energy model that overcomes the extractivist paradigm and promotes clean and renewable energies. In this new paradigm, there is no room for fracking. There is neither room for any of its variants nor for any other kind of destructive practice with speculative aims.

The year 2015 will be key in the struggle against fracking and the TTIP in Europe. Thus, it is essential that we attempt to benefit from both political activity and existing relationships between social groups and experts. This meeting will enable us to improve the coordination of our European network and study its joint strategy in 2015, a year in which the TTIP/CETA/TISA/ISDS will be on the political agenda throughout much of Europe. It is time to condemn the shady arbitrary deals reached by the European Commission under pressure from the transnational companies and their powerful lobbies.

Thus, this event in Barcelona aims to:

  • Consolidate the Euro-Mediterranean network.
  • Debate the relationship between experts and scientists and popular anti-fracking and anti-TTIP movements, which can help move towards a new idea of territory based on models of energy exploitation.
  • Foster interaction between the network and parliamentary groups.

Organized by: Centre for Territorial Sustainability, Alba Sud, Platform: Catalonia No to TTIP, transform! europe, Engineers Without Frontiers, Platform: Stop Fracking in Catalonia, Platform for Energy self-sufficiency, Attac, Alternativa Foundation, Nous Horitzonts Foundation, Green European Foundation (GEF), Syndicate CCOO.


Consulted Programme:

Saturday: The role of experts in social movements / Debate: Fracking and the European energetic model / Debate: The relationship between the TTIP and fracking / Debate between participants on the future of a socially and ecologically fairer Europe

Sunday: Visit to village of Riudaura, a symbol of the anti-fracking struggle in Catalonia.

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