The Right in Europe – The Concept of ‘Modernized’ Right-Wing Populism

Advance notice

By Elisabeth Gauthier, Joachim Bischoff, and Bernhard Müller


The 2014 European elections clearly showed the reinforced anchorage of the extreme Right throughout Europe. What are the reasons for the rise of right-wing populism and what characterises it as opposed to right-wing extremist parties with openly racist and nationalist orientations? What to do? Calls such as “no pasarán” or the invitation to the constitution of an anti-fascist front, if understandable, show however a great helplessness in face of the rise of modernised right-wing populism. The decisive factor is whether it is possible to develop creative responses with which the consequences of unfettered capitalism can be pushed back.

The book is available in:

GermanEuropas Rechte – Das Konzept des ‘modernisierten’ Rechtspopulismus, Hamburg, VSA-Verlag 2015

French: Droites populistes en Europe. Les raisons d’un succès, Collection Espaces Marx/Le Croquant 2015

The English edition will follow.

The publication is supported by transform! europe.

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