transform! yearbook 2020

transform! europe's 2020 yearbook explores the future of Europe in the emerging multipolar world.
  • What is the impact of the global crisis of hegemony? What is at stake for democracy and labour and what opportunities are opening up for political and social subjects in the era of digital capitalism? Can art and history still provide some answers?
    For the transformation of this brave new world there needs to be a continuous battle for the hegemony of left emancipatory ideas, which is impossible without a concrete analysis of the present situation. It is to this effort that transform! 2020 hopes to contribute.

    Ordering information

    The publication is available as hardcopy at Merlin Press.

    Europe in the Brave New World. transform! 2020
    Edited by Walter BaierEric Canepa and Haris Golemis
    Merlin Press Ltd. 
    ISBN 978-0-85036-760-7
    April 2020
    Price: £ 20.00




    Walter BaierEric CanepaHaris Golemis: Europe in the Brave New World

    Europe and the World: History, Politics, Economics
    David Harvey: Global Hegemony In Our Time: The Rise of China Interviewed by Haris Golemis
    Walter Baier: Shadow and Light in the Dusk of Neoliberalism
    Göran Therborn: Challenges for the Left: A Door of Opportunity
    Eric Canepa: Abstract Neoliberal Memory and the Marginalisation of Mediterranean Europe
    Carlo Spagnolo: Europe’s Divided Memories After 1945: Notes on the Crisis of European Integration and Memory
    Erhard Crome: European Security at Risk
    Dagmar Švendová: The European Union’s Space Programmes: A Challenge for the Left
    Tobias Boos, Ulrich Brand, Kristina Dietz, and Miriam Lang: The End of the ‘Progressive Cycle’ and the New Resistance to the Right Turn: Challenges for Emancipatory Forces in Latin America

    Democracy and Labour: Political and Social Subjects in the Brave New World of Digital Capitalism
    Julia Rone: Democracy in the Era of Social Media: Why the deus ex machina Will Not Work This Time
    Jörn Boewe and Johannes Schulten: Who Defines the Principles of 21st-century Digital Capitalism? The Case of Amazon
    Ilaria Lani: Organising Digital Platform Workers in Italy
    Philipp Lorig: Crowdwork in Handiwork Services: Traditionalisation Within Innovation
    Sarah Bormann: Crowdwork from a Trade-Union Perspective
    Yifat Solel: ‘It’s the Democracy, Stupid!’: Fake News, Sharing Economy, and the Cooperative Alternative
    Appendix: A Case Study of Cooperative Initiatives: Israeli Cooperatives after the 2011 Protest Experience

    Facets of Radical Feminism
    Silvia Federici: Women and Feminisms – Past and Present Interviewed by Eirini Avramopoulou
    Agnieszka Mrozik, Valeriya Utkina, Nora García, Catia Gregoratti, Selin Çağatay: Feminism, National Movements, and European Questions: A Roundtable coordinated by Heidemarie Ambrosch and Barbara Steiner

    Art, Resistance, Utopia
    Kimon Markatos: The Brave Old World: Utopia, Dystopia, Science Fiction, and the Project of the Left
    Stefan Amzoll: ‘I’m Singing Now!’: Nineteen Sequences to Describe Hanns Eisler

    Country Reports
    Yiannos Katsourides: Governing on the Left: a Sisyphean Task
    Yann Le Lann: The Outer Bypass: What the Relation of the Yellow Vests to the Trade Unions Says About Collective Bargaining
    Piotr Ikonowicz: Challenges for the Polish Left

    Anniversaries and In Memoriam
    Loudovikos Kotsonopoulos: State, Socialism, and Utopia: Erik Olin Wright’s Emancipatory Social Science
    Werner Michael Schwarz, Georg Spitaler, and Elke Wikidal: Red Vienna, 1919-2019
    Wladislaw Hedeler: The World Party from Moscow: New Research on the Founding of the Comintern
    Veronika Sušová-Salminen: Revolution or Restoration? 1989 – The End of the Revolutionary Cycle and the Rise of Neoliberalism in Central and Eastern Europe

    The Marxist-Christian Dialogue
    José Manuel Pureza: From Anathema to the Search for Convergence: The Dialogue Between Christians and Marxists in Our Time

    Economic Update
    Joachim Bischoff: The Downswing of the Global Economic Cycle

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