24th Annual Conference of the EuroMemo Group

Call for Papers and Participation (Deadline: 15 May)

University of Heksinki


This year’s conference is dedicated to the theme: “10 years into the crisis – What prospects for a popular political economy in Europe?” It will be jointly hosted with the University of Helsinki.


The European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe (EuroMemo Group) is a network of European economists committed to promoting full employment with good work, social justice with an eradication of poverty and social exclusion, ecological sustainability, and international solidarity. The group was founded in 1995, and includes participants from a wide range of European countries. It holds an annual conference and publishes an annual Memorandum which provides a critical analysis of recent developments in the European Union and is available in several European languages.

As in past years, transform! will take on the responsibility for the production of the printed booklets of EuroMemorandum in English, French, German and Greek. For the 2018 edition click here.

Invitation to attend the conference and to submit proposals for contributions to the workshops

Against the background of an increasingly alarming influence of right-wing nationalist and populist forces, the conference wants to facilitate discussion on progressive ideas, concepts and policies, on how to reconstruct a political integration project in Europe that is responsive to the economic and social needs of all groups and people affected by the severe economic crisis of the last ten years, and in particular of workers, the unemployed, the precariat, migrants and other vulnerable groups, also in a gender perspective.

All papers that present an original perspective on the conference theme ‘10 years into the crisis – What prospects for a popular political economy in Europe?’ are welcome. In particular, we encourage submissions that relate to recent European developments and are specific to one of the following topics:

  • Prospects for a popular political economy in Europe
  • Politics of structural reforms: critique and alternatives
  • Economic and political divergences in the EU
  • Social policies in  Europe
  • Migration policies and demographic change
  • Nordic welfare model: crisis, erosion, prospects
  • Crisis of the global political economy & world politics: the role of the EU (protectionism, trade wars)
  • Conceptual frameworks and aspects of popular political economy as well as policy proposals for instance with respect to productive transformation, industrial policy, the solidarity economy etc.
  • Socio-ecological transformation and a good life for all
  • New democratic challenges to the status quo: what can we learn from the left-alliance government in Portugal, the labour party under Jeremy Corbyn, the Podemos project in Spain and other similar cases?

Proposals for papers together with a short abstract (maximum 250 words) should be submitted by 15 May 2018 to info@euromemo.eu. If possible, please indicate the topic which the proposal is intended for. If accepted, completed papers should be submitted by 6 September 2018. The organisers strongly encourage participants to submit short papers (10-12 pages) and to explicitly address policy implications.

If you would like to submit an abstract and/ or participate in the conference, please copy the registration form below into an email and reply to info@euromemo.eu. Please note that there is no deadline for registering for participation only.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group. Accepted papers will be published on the conference website and there is also the possibility to publish papers presented at the conference within the EuroMemo Group Discussion Paper Series.

European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe
EuroMemo Group
E-Mail: info@euromemo.eu
Internet: http://www.euromemo.eu


Registration form for the 24th Workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe

(please reply to info@euromemo.eu)

Yes, I intend to participate in the 24th Workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe(27-29 September 2018 in Helsinki)

First Name:

Last Name:




Yes, I wish to contribute a paper

Title of the Paper:

Abstract (max. 250 words):


Thursday, 27 September 2018

13.00 – 14.30 ‘The future of the EMU’ (Public event, organised by the University of Helsinki)

15.00 – 19.00 Opening plenary on the state of the Union

20.00 Conference Dinner


Friday, 28 September 2018

10.00 – 13.30 Workshops on key themes of EU policy

14.30 – 16.00 Plenary on policy proposals from workshops

16.15 – 18.00 Special plenary on the conference topic ‘10 years into the crisis – What prospects for a popular political economy in Europe?’


Saturday, 29 September 2018

09.00 – 12.00 Planning meeting: EuroMemorandum 2019 and other activities

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