365 Days of War in Ukraine: Prospects Towards Peace in 2023



One year after the beginning of the Ukraine war – the International Peace Bureau in cooperation with the Peace in Ukraine Coalition, Movement de la Paix, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and transform! europe hold an international webinar to bring together voices from different countries to discuss a lasting peace in Ukraine and the way towards it.


Introductory words will be given by Michael von der Schulenburg, a former UN/OSCE diplomat; who lately participated in the development of the Vatican peace plan.

Afterwards both Ukrainian and Russian activists will share their perspectives on the ongoing situation, including Oleg Bodrov (Public Council of the Gulf of Finland), Karyna Radchenko (100 Words for Peace) and Yurii Sheliazhenko (Ukrainian Pacifist Movement).

A roundtable discussion by different peace activists – including Corazon Valdez Fabros (IPB Co-President), Reiner Braun (former IPB Director, Germany), Lindsey German (Stop the War Coalition, UK), Alain Rouy (Movement de la Paix), Francesco Vignarca (Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo, Italy), Katerina Anastasiou (transform! europe) and Kate Hudson (CND) as moderator – on a lasting ceasefire and negotiations will close the webinar.

Organised by:

Friday, 24 February 2023
13:00 – 14.30 (CET)
via Zoom

To register, please click here.

For more information on the event, visit the IPB website.

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