7th Summer University of the European Left and transform! europe 2012


Portaria/Greece, 17-22 July 2012


The 7th Summer University of the European Left Party and transform!europe will take place in Portaria, near the city of Volos, in the region of Thessaly in Greece, from 17 to 22 July. The first day will be organized by the EL Feminist Network (EL-FEM).

In the epicentre of the crisis, this Summer University will have the crisis as its transversal theme. The effects of the austerity measures all over Europe, the pauperisation of society, but also the big popular resistance and important mobilisations in several countries, outline what is in the page the European people are turning at this new moment in history. The slogan of the summer university will be:

“Peoples of Europe, Unite!”

In cooperation with the Greek EL member parties of Synaspismos and AKOA, the Summer University aims to gather young activists and members of parties and social movements from all over Europe, for debates on current political and social issues.

The 4 thematic axes of this year’s Summer University are:

  •  Building Solidarity during the Crisis – Towards a New Society
  • Against Authoritarian Capitalism – For a Democratic, Social, Ecological and Feminist Europe
  • The Future of Europe and the Relation of Europe with the Rest of the World
  • The Cooperation among Parties, Trade Unions and Social Movements on a National and European Level

During the workshops and the plenaries, participants will share experiences and discuss policies and initiatives for the construction of an alternative Europe.


For further information and organizational details refer to www.european-left.org.

Programme: http://elsummeruniversity2012.wordpress.com/program/

Registration: http://elsummeruniversity2012.wordpress.com/registration/




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