A Green New Deal for Europe – Opportunities and Challenges




25th Annual Conference of the EuroMemo Group on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe.


Against the background of the deepening climate and environmental crisis, this year’s conference will particularly address the need for socio-ecological transformation in Europe and will critically discuss related policy proposals, in particular the Green New Deal.

Please note that there will be a conference fee collected at the venue to cover the cost of the conference (30 Euro regular fee / 10 Euro for students / 80 Euro for participants with institutional support).


Please find further information including the registration form on the right (pdf);




Thursday, September 26th 2019

13.00 – 14:30 Pre-Conference Event: Founding assembly of the EuroMemo legal association
15.00 – 19.00 Opening plenary
Part I: The State of the Union
Part II: Prospects for a Green New Deal for Europe
20.00 Conference Dinner


Friday, September 27th 2019

10.00 – 13.30 Workshops on key themes of EU policy
14.30 – 16.00 Plenary on policy proposals from workshops
16.15 – 18.00 Special plenary ‘The current politico-economic situation in France and its repercussions for Europe’

Saturday, September 28th 2019

09.00 – 12.00 Planning meeting: EuroMemorandum 2020 and other activities

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