A Radical Alliance for Europe

an evening of lively debate

Congress House (TUC), London

Europe faces a stark choice. Plunging into a new dark ages marked by the rising tide of fascism and nationalism. Or advancing a new politics of radical and progressive change.

To energise our attempts we must reach out of our own countries and build pan European alliances. Join us in London to catalyse these efforts for a new and better Europe.

A Radical Alliance for Europe will try to open up a debate by hosting political actors from across the continent to show how we can combine defensive struggles with bold visions for social and political transformation.

Join us for an evening of lively debate with:
Clive Lewis MP, Labour
Nasos Eliopoulos, Greece’s Deputy Minister for Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity
Sirio Canos-Donnay, Podemos UK
Luke Cooper, Another Europe is Possible

Speakers and participants will discuss:
What are the origins of Brexit, Trump and the new far right? What are the effects of the politics of austerity and neo-liberalism, how are they interacting with the new far right, and how can we fight back?

What is our alternative, and how does it tie into an internationalist agenda? Can we build a pan-European movement to beat the far right, and if so how?

Event co-organiser details:

Another Europe Is Possible was the campaign for a radical ‘in’ vote in the EU referendum. We came together as activists and campaigners to build a Europe of democracy, human rights, and social justice. We didn’t believe a British exit from the EU offered a path towards the social, citizen-led Europe we so urgently need. That’s why we said ‘stay in Europe to change Europe’. After the bitter disappointment of the referendum result we have decided to continue to campaign in the negotiations for a deal that protects all that is progressive in the current relationship with Europe: free movement, educational opportunity, science and innovation, rights at work, environmental standards, and human rights prtections.


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