Active Neutrality, a possible approach for a foreign policy of peace, disarmament and peoples’ diplomacy for Italy

transform! italia Conference

Sala Simonetta Tosi – Casa internazionale delle donne
Via della Lungara 19

We believe that discussing, elaborating and exchanging views on neutrality within the peace movement could offer a useful opportunity to strengthen synergies, identify common elements, and imagine concepts and reference frameworks that can help overcoming divergences that are founded on old worldviews that do not necessarily help in fully grasping the complexity of the challenges we are confronted with.


For this purpose, we propose a national seminar-workshop that could tackle the various aspects of active neutrality, from the historical one to the meaning of neutrality in international relations to its practical implications, and offer a platform for sharing views of various actors in the Italian peace movement.

The Conference could be followed by the publication of a report, and possibly a more pragmatic event, a workshop in which those actors that do put active neutrality into practice nowadays in their activities and campaigns meet and exchange views and options for potential common activities. Such workshop might produce a document-manifesto for a Neutral Italy, for Peace, Disarmament, and Nonviolence in international relations.

Fabio Alberti, Francesco Martone, and Roberto Morea

For the concept please refer to:

Contact and information

Conference Secretariat:
For reasons of capacity of the room, please advise your participation.
The conference will be broadcast live by Radio Radicale and will be accessible on the YouTube channel of L’altraNews.


Sunday, 10 September 2016


Session I: 2.30 pm

Chair: Francesco Martone


  • Roberto Morea – transform! italia
  • Walter Baier – transform! europe


  • Antonio Papisca (Centro Diritti Umani, University of Padua ): Neutrality in international law
  • Sergio Dalmasso (Workers’ movements historian): Neutralism in antimilitarist and socialist movements before WWI
  • Lidia Menapace: Neutralism in Catholic thought and nonviolent movement after WWI
  • Gian Paolo Calchi Novati (University of Pavia – ISPI, Istituto Studi Politica Internazionale): The experience of the Non-Aligned Movement – NAM
  • Roberto Savio (Editor, The experience of disarmed neutrality: Costa Rica

Session II: 5.00-7.00 pm – Roundtable

Chair: Fabio Alberti


Alex Zanotelli, Cecilia Strada* (Emergency), Francesco Vignarca (Rete Italiana per il Disarmo), Franco Uda (Arci), Lisa Clark (Beati i costruttori di pace), Luisa del Turco (Centro Studi Difesa Civile), Luisa Morgantini (Assopace Palestina), Manlio Dinucci (No War no Nato Committee), Mao Valpiana (Movimento Nonviolento), Martina Pignatti Morano (Un ponte per…), Maurizio Simoncelli (Istituto di Ricerche Internazionali Archivio Disarmo), Nino Sergi (Intersos), Raffaella Bolini (International Department Arci), Renato Sacco* (Pax Christi), Rosa Siciliano (Mosaico di pace), Sergio Bassoli (Global policies department, CGIL), Stefano Maruca (International department, Fiom), Vittorio Cogliati Dezza (Legambiente)

(*) tbc

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