Analysing the French Presidential Elections


These elections continued the evolution of the political arena toward a tripartite division between the far right, the liberal right, and the radical left — Yann Le Lann and Gala Kabbaj (transform! europe) provide an analysis of the elections and the ramifications of this evolution.


As in 2017, the second round of the presidential election was decided between Emmanuel Macron (27.84%) and Marine Le Pen (23.15%). However, the radical left has come third, with only 1.2 percentage points behind the far right as Jean-Luc Mélenchon reached 21.95%.

Tuesday, 3 May 2022
18.00 (CET)
via Zoom


  • Yann Le Lann, sociologist, Co-Vice President of transform! europe
  • Gala Kabbaj, facilitator of the Working Group Radical, Far and Populist Right at transform! europe


For further reading:

Gala Kabbaj, French Elections: The Tripartition of the Political Field

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