Analyzing European Social Democracy: Opponents or Potential Partners?

European workshop

Illustration: Evan Brzostowski*

Meeting room AULA 3
Escuela de Relaciones Laborales
Complutense University of Madrid

transform! europe and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Brussels office co-organize a 2-days European workshop under the title “Analyzing European Social Democracy: Opponents or Potential Partners?” in Madrid on 9-10 March 2017.


Starting from the study of the present state of the European Social Democracy, a political current that marked the politics of the modern world, we aim to analyze Europe and delve into the great questions of today from the perspective of a progressive and left strategy.

Concerning the state of affairs in the EU, we want to contribute to a European integration that can be emancipatory and liberating for all the European people, all the migrants and all the refugees that are now facing the repulsive face of the EU and capitalism.

The workshop includes case studies from various European countries, keynote speeches, space for discussion among the participants and a Public Event with the spotlight on the question of Europe.

The working language will be English.

The Public Event on 10 March will have also simultaneous interpretation from Spanish to English. You can follow the live stream of the public event in this link.

The event follows the workshop held in Helsinki few months ago under the title ‘Analyzing European Social Democracy: The Stance of the Left’ (programme see here and report here).

Αngelina Giannopoulou


Thursday, 9 March 2017

10:00 – 12.00 Opening Session

  • Florian Horn, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation-Brussels Office
  • Angelina Giannopoulou, transform! europe

12.00 – 12.15 Coffee Break

12.15 – 14.15 Case studies I

Moderator:  Victor Alonso Rocafort, Coordinator of the Parliamentary group of Izquierda Unida, PhD in Political Theory, Madrid

The Social Democracy in Spain

  • Armando Fernández Steinko, Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid

The Social Democracy in Portugal

  • José Gusmão, Economist, Advisor of Bloco de Esquerda in the European Parliament

14.15 – 15.30 Lunch

15.30 – 17.30 Case Studies II

Moderator: Antoine de Cabanes, Political Scientist, Espaces Marx, Paris

The Social Democracy in Germany

  • to be announced

The Social Democracy in France

  • Roger Martelli, Historian, collaborator with Espaces Marx and Fondation Gabriel Péri

17.30 – 18.00 Coffee break

18.00 – 20.00 Keynote speech: “The Political Situation in Spain”

  • Andrés Gil, Chief editor of the politics section in “”

21.00 Dinner


Friday, 10 March 2017

11.00 – 13.00 Special focus: “Europe after Trump. A fragmented world” 

  • Walter Baier, Political Coordinator of transform! europe

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

14.30 – 16.30 Case studies III

Moderator: Cornelia Hildebrandt, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Institute of Social Analyses, Berlin

The Social Democracy in the Netherlands (Partij van de Arbeid – PvdA)

  • Amieke Bouma, Lecturer at the Department of European Studies, University of Amsterdam

The Social Democracy in Belgium

  • Marc Johan Botenga, Responsible for European Affairs in the Worker’s Party of Belgium (PtB-PvdA)

The Social Democracy in Austria

  • Tamara Ehs, Lecturer in Political Science, University of Vienna

16.30 – 17.00 Coffee break

17.00 – 18.00 Conclusions

  • Haris Golemis, Scientific Advisor of transform europe!, Director of Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Athens


Public Event “A left strategy in Europe: A road full of thorns”

Venue: Sala Ramón Gómez de la Serna in the premises of “Circulo de Bellas Artes”

Moderator:Μarga Ferre, President of FEC (Fundación Europa de los Ciudadanos), Member of transform!’s Board


  • Alberto Garzón, Federal Coordinator of Izquierda Unida, MP of Unidos Podemos
  • Juan Carlos Monedero, Professor, Founding member of Podemos
  • Mariana Mortágua, MP and Vice-president of the parliamentary group, Bloco de Esquerda
  • Beppe Caccia, Dr. of Euro-American Political Studies, Member of EuroNomade collective
  • Catherine Samary, Economist, Member of Attac France

You can follow the live stream of the event in this link.

21.30 Dinner

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