Assembly of Resistances for Central and Eastern European Countries

House of the Civilians
Váci út 50
1132 Budapest

An Assembly of Resistances (AoR) for CEE countries will be held in Budapest, from 2 to 4 March 2018. It stands in the positive tradition of the World and European Social Forum: to bring people, movements, organisations together who want to fight against neoliberalism, oppression, environmental desasters, militarism, racism. The main goal is to ACT.


Participants will decide what can be done together on international scale. The meeting is being organized as a part of transform!’s CEE project.

Registration: (upon request a registration form will be sent).

Participation fee (to cover accomodation, food and drink during the 2.5 day event): 75 EUR for Westerners and 42 EUR for Easterners (to be paid in cash at the entrance).

Important remarks:

Due to financial budget bottleneck only ENGLISH language is workable, no simultaneous translation!

During the whole event cheap buffet, food and drink are being served.

More detailed information concerning logistics, room distribution etc. is available at:

Organisers: ATTAC Hungary as part of the Prague Spring 2 Network in cooperation with the transform! europe network, supported by the Hungarian Organizers for the Left (SZAB), Austrian Social Forum, Hungarian Workers’ Party 2006, and others.



Introduction: The ultimate goal of this AoR is to collectively elaborate an overarching strategy to counteract the influence of the populist far right, which is based on a perverted concept of “national security”. The final outcome should be reflected in a planification of the different activities discussed in the following 3 panels by establishing a sort of an action-oriented “roadmap” for 2018 and parts of 2019.


Friday, 2 March 2018

15:00-16:00 Arrivals and registration

16:00-16:30 Welcome and Opening – Matyas Benyik, Leo Gabriel

16:30–19:00 CLUSTER A:

Panel discussion on how to counteract Militarism, Neocolonialism and Poverty

1. Against militarization, neo-colonization and wars – anti-NATO actions for Peace: Tamás Csapody, peace activist; Mirek Prokes, activist; Alexandr Buzgalin, organiser of Social Movement Alternatives

2. Against populism, extreme right, for equality and social justice: Tamás Krausz, historian; Hermann Dworczak, social scientist; Vilmos Hanti, president of FIR and Alliance of Hungarian Resistance Fighters and Antifascists (MEASZ); Bálint Jósa, Director of UNITED

3. Growing unequality, child hunger, energy poverty: Attila Vajnai and György Droppa, activists of SZAB

4. Structural crisis of Capitalism, anti-neoliberalism, anti-austerity measures: Annamaria Artner and Peter Farkas, economists


Saturday, 3 March 2018

9:00-9:45 Breakfast

10:00-13:00 CLUSTER B:

Panel discussion on the positive factors which could promote a unity among the people based upon Interculturality, Democracy and Ecosocialism

1. Migration, Open borders: Attila Melegh, sociologist; Aliz Pocsuvai, MIGSZOL

2. Minorities, Romas, Jews, Christians and Muslims – cultural diversity: Attila Jakab, historian; Jenő Setét Brada, Roma activist

3. Democracy, participation, equality: Gáspár Miklós Tamás, philosopher; Dagmar Svendová, transform! europe CEE Coordinator

4. Food sovereignity, land-grabbing, sustainable agriculture, small peasants’ rights, climate justice: Tord Björk, environmentalist

5. Workers rights, Trade unions – movements: András Földiák, Cooperative Forum of Trade Unions

13:00-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-17:00 Working groups (WGs) and seminars parallelly

17:-00-19:30 Plenary meeting – reporting back form the WGs and seminars; Summary of the debates and panel discussions

19:30 – 21:00 Dinner


Sunday, 4 March 2018

8:30-9:30 Breakfast

9:30-12:00 CLUSTER C:

Organizational aspects – how to build and coordinate our common actions on subregional level, including the perspective of combining these priorities with the ones articulated in other parts of Europe and the world: Leo Gabriel, social scientist; Matyas Benyik, economist; Tord Björk, environmentalist; Hermann Dworczak, social scientist.

12:00-12:15 Farewell speech – Leo Gabriel

12:15-13:15 Lunch

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