Building Together A New Hope For Europe. European Forum Brussels

3rd European Forum of Left, Green and Progressive Forces

Beaux Art/Royal Museum of Fine Arts
Rue de la Régence 3
1000, Brussels

In November 2018 in Bilbao, the second European Forum of Left, Green and Progressive Forces, bringing together more than 400 participants from 123 organizations and 36 countries, launched a call to take back the common destiny of the peoples of Europe against the threats that were growing before the European elections.

Today the results are there. They reinforce the combined weight of liberal, right and far-right forces in the European Parliament. The peoples of Europe deserve another future. We want to open a path for them. We are more than ever on the alert and determined to rebuild an alternative of social, ecological, democratic and feminist progress for Europe.

The 3rd European Forum of Left, Green and Progressive Forces is gearing up. It will be held in Brussels on 8-10 November 2019. We want it larger, more open, more engaged than ever in the construction of permanent cooperation and convergent actions of all available forces. It will also be more participatory, with the thematic Assemblies of women, trade unions and youth. We are on the alert against growing social inequalities, against the accumulation of wealth and tax evasion that continue to benefit the few, against the growth of military spending, against racism and discrimination, against the poison of the far-right ideas.

We are mobilized for the climate, for social justice, for a new economy respectful of humans and the planet, for civil liberties, for the rights of women, for the reception of migrants.

We are launching more than ever a call for joint work for the reorientation of the immense wealth created in Europe towards a new path of social and ecological development; for the defense and promotion of women’s rights; for peace and collective security; for democracy and respect for popular sovereignty.

We invite all available forces to participate in a large open meeting in Brussels on the 11th of September to prepare the 3rd Forum, to build together the event that all left, green and progressive forces are waiting for in Europe. You can already send us your contributions and suggestions.

Let’s be numerous, the urgency is knocking on the door!


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preliminary programme

Friday, 8 November 2019

12h30: Registrations open

13h30-16h: 1st plenary 

The planet burns, democracy too… The new challenges of a Europe in crisis 

– 13h30-14h30: interventions of guests (6-8 minutes)

– 14h30-16h: Debate with the public: what are our urgencies facing the new European situation?

Plenary debate moderated by a pair of political moderators, gender balanced, with interventions from the public of 4 minutes maximum (about 20 possible interventions)

16h15-18h15: Workshops (4 in parallel)

18h15-18h30: Break

18h30 – 20h: Film and debate (Elles Tournent)


Saturday 9 November 2019

9h-11h30: Women Assembly

11h30-14h: 2nd plenary

Social development and ecology, the same fight?

– 11h30-12h30: interventions guests (6-8 minutes)

– 12h30-14h: Debate with the public: what are our concrete objectives to make social and ecological issues converge?

Plenary debate moderated by a pair of political moderators, gender balanced, with interventions from the public of 4 minutes maximum (about 20 possible interventions).

14h-15h: Lunch

15h-16h30: Meeting for peace and 3 workshops (in parallel)
On peace, rather than a debate we could make personalities talk about hot spots (Cyprus, Ireland, Ukraine, missile deployment …).

16h30-18h30: Youth Assembly and Workshops (3 in parallel)

19h-22h: Party at the Tricoterie


Sunday 10 November 2019

9h30-11h30: Trade Unionists Assembly and workshops (3 in //)

11h30-12h: Break

12h-14h: Conclusions plenary: toward the 4th European Forum

– 12h-12h45: report of the three assemblies

– 12h45: presentation of the final declaration; interventions of 3 representatives for the 3 political families; adoption of the final declaration



About the workshops

There are already several accepted workshop proposals:

Democracy and Ecology

Security and the left

Free Trade Agreements

Europe of peoples and self-determination

Migration and Wars

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