Christian-Marxist Dialogue on Achieving Ecological Ecumenism


The Creation of the Natural World Source: In Communion. Website of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship

To many leftists, the idea of an alliance between Christians and socialists appears eccentric. However, not-withstanding the differences, important similarities can be found. In his latest encyclical, Pope Francis writes of the need for politics based on human dignity, not subjected to the market. Does not this represent the basis for a dialogue?


20 November 2020
16:00 – 18:00 (CET)

English and French

Do not we share a common responsibility obliging us to joint efforts? The project of a transversal dialogue which will be presented in this workshop goes back to the private audience, which Pope Francis granted Alexis Tsipras, Walter Baier and Franz Kronreif in September 2014. This conversation resulted in the ‚DIALOP’.

The DIALOP is a joint project between universities, foundations, and associations, developed by faculty members with different ideological and philosophical, Marxist or Christian backgrounds. In times of growing social challenges, its aim is to promote dialogue between Marxist and Christian positions and develop common commitments to peace, non-violence, social justice, democracy, and ecological transformation. While Europe runs the risk of becoming a continent fragmented by walls and fences as well as increasing levels of inequality, an alternative vision of Europe must be developed: a common Europe of bridges, characterized by the exchange of cultural goods and values.

Walter Baier
, economist and former National Chairman of the Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ, 1994 to 2006). He was an editor of the Austrian weekly Volksstimme and from 2007 until 2020 Political Coordinator of transform! europe.

Raul Buffo, currently doing his PhD in philosophy at the University of Florence and he is also Assistant Professor in the Department of Theology, Philosophy and Human Sciences at Sophia University Institute (Italy).

Cornelia Hildebrandt, Co-President of transform! europe. She is consultant on parties and social movements as well as on issues regarding ideological dialogue of the Institute for Critical Social Analysis of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation (RLS).

Federico Rovea, currently completing his PhD in Educational Studies at the University of Padua (Italy). He also works as an invited lecturer at Sophia University Institute (Florence, Italy), his research interests include intercultural education, philosophy of education and postcolonial theories.

Angelina Giannopoulou
,  facilitator of transform! europe’s  “European Integration and the Strategic Perspectives of the Radical Left” programme.


For further reading:

transform! europe webinar: From Laudato si’ to Fratelli tutti

Michael LoewyMarxist-Christian Symposium on Common Challenges in Europe


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