COP26 Coalition People’s Summit for Climate Justice

Open Call

Source: COP26

Open call for global climate justice movements, groups, artists and campaigners to contribute, participate and help us bring together tens of thousands of people dedicated to fighting for climate justice.


From the 7-10th November 2021, as world leaders meet to discuss our future, the COP26 Coalition will host The People’s Summit for Climate Justice. Due to increasing inaccessibility, safety concerns and travel disruption caused by the global pandemic, the People’s Summit will be delivered in a hybrid format – with some in-person events in Glasgow and a digital programme online.

The People’s Summit is a global convergence space for movements, campaigns and civil society and will provide an alternative to the business as usual of false solutions and inaction from rich nations and corporations.

Climate justice is about recognising the interconnectedness of our struggles. Whether we are fighting for better pay at work, for clean water, or against police and state violence, for control over our bodies or to stop the destruction of forests we live in, climate justice is about fighting for solutions that not only reduce carbon emissions but create a fairer and more just world in the process.

The climate crisis is rooted in the multiple injustices our current economic and political systems create, and in turn it exacerbates these injustices. But like climate change, economic and political systems are human-made and they can be remade.

The solutions that we need already exist, we just need to put them into action. These solutions are based on justice, diversity, redistribution of resources and the decentralisation of power. While we welcome challenging and complex discussion and debate, we want all sessions to be relevant, engaging and accessible to a wide audience, so please consider this when proposing your session.

We welcome contributions for interactive workshops, panel discussions, strategy sessions, artistic and cultural contributions, constituency assemblies and other formats yet to be imagined.

We encourage collaborative sessions and will prioritise submissions from frontline communities in the Global South, Indigenous communities, Black and people of colour, local struggles in Glasgow and working-class communities.

We expect a large number of proposals and encourage contributors to work with the COP26 Coalition and partner organisations to deliver collaborative events and in many cases we may ask contributors to merge with similar or connected proposals.


Submit a contribution proposal here

Español – Português – Français – Türkçe


For any further questions please email:
Deadline for submissions is the 30/8/21


Originally published at the website of COP 26

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