Does the Right to Self-Determination Exist in Europe?


The Polish think-tank ‘Naprzód’ is co-organising a meeting on Sunday 4 February in Warsaw on the topic of ‘Does the Right to Self-Determination Exist in Europe?’


Speaking at the meeting will be the Sinn Féin MP, Mickey Brady and the Secretary for Political Elaboration of Izquierda Unida, Spain, and member of the transform! europe Board, Marga Ferré.

Representing the Polish left will be Tomasz Truskawa, who is a long-standing activist of the socialist left in Poland and Member of the board of the Free Word Association.

The meeting is being organized as part of transform!’s project on European Integration. This year marks 100 years of Polish independence.

This meeting seeks to discuss issues of national self-determination in Europe today. In Poland this debate has been dominated by the nationalist right. The aim of this meeting is to initiate a discussion between the Polish left and representatives of the wider European left that can offer insights into the movements of national self-determination in places such as Ireland and Catalonia and to discuss the left’s perspective on the issue of European integration in light of events such as Brexit, the constituational crisis in Spain, etc.

Live transmission of the discussion will be available in English here:

And in Polish here:

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