Enlazando Alternativas

In 2004, transform! europe, together with a number of social movements and political organizations, participated in the first edition of “Linking Alternatives” taking place at the same time as the European Union and Latin American heads of state and government met to talk about the future of relations between the two continents.

Meanwhile, the Euro-Latin American network of organisations has expanded, developing analyses and alternative propositions. The second edition of “Linking Alternatives” took place in Vienna in 2006, attracting thousands of participants and, in 2008, the third one was organised as an alternative parallel to the official summit meeting and attracting more than 15,000 participants in Lima, Peru.

During this “peoples’ rally”, social movements and political forces participating share with the host citizens moments of brainstorming on issues like free trade, respect for social, economic and cultural rights of peoples, the struggle for respect for the environment and biodiversity, access to land and rights of indigenous peoples. A Permanent Tribunal of the Peoples receives the testimony of victims of different types of human rights violations committed by transnational corporations and justifies its recommendations.

“Linking Alternatives” has as an objective to provide the citizens of Latin America and Europe with the elements that enable them to understand the mechanisms inherent in the construction of the current globalization. Thus it tries to show the possibility of a link between peoples which is fundamentally different from the one proposed by the EU to Latin America. It is a call to citizen involvement and against a relationship based on competition between people and not seeing in Latin American countries more than a source of natural resources, energy and cheap labour.

For the fourth time, the bi-regional network organizes a new edition of “Linking Alternatives” in Madrid between 14 and 18 May simultaneously to the official summit. transform! europe will be there with its support and its willingness to develop this citizen movement.

The network transform! europe is part of Linking Alternatives / Enlazando Alternativas.


10.00 – 14.00 (Sala 116)

1. Unión Europea-América Latina y el Caribe: libre comercio y dependencia

Organizado por Alianza Social Continental / Seattle to Brussels Network / RC-Sinistra Europea / TNI / WEED / War on Want / Ecologistas en Accion / CSATUCA / transform! / Red Centroamericana de Monitoreo del DR-CAFTA / Attac France / Partido de la Izquierda Europea

10.00 – 14.00 (Sala B04)

2. BCE y Banco del Sur, como transformar la banca? Transformar las arquitecturas internacionales y regionales. hacia una alternativa al sistema financiero

Organizado por transform! europe / European Attac Network

10.00 – 12.00 (Sala B16)

3. Las estrategias de la izquierda en América latina. Como pensar las luchas y su recorrido historico. Vigencia del marxismo en Europa y en América latina

Organizado por Union de Juventudes Comunistas de España / transform! / Memoire des luttes / Partido de la Izquierda Europea

10.00 – 12.00 (Sala B04)

4. “Banlieues” europeas: bajo las directivas europeas alcanzan leyes nacionales que criminalizan los/las migrantes. Desde la Europa Fortaleza a la Europa represiva.

Organizado por FAL (Francia) / FERINE (Estado Español) / Foro de Sao Paolo (America Latina) / Partido de la Izquierda Europea (Union Europea) / Partido de la Rifondazione Comunista – Izquierda Europea (Italia) / transform! / Alianza Social Continental / Partido de la Izquierda Europea

10.00 – 14.00 (Sala B05)

5. El acaparamiento de tierras en AL, amenaza para la biodiversidad.

Organizado por transform! / Forschungs und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika e.V. / Ecologistas en Acción / Amigos de la Tierra Internaciona / Partido de la Izquierda Europea

12.00 – 14.00 (Sala B 14)

6. La crisis: cambio de modelo, respuestas políticas y propuestas alternativas

Organizado por ATTAC Catalunya / transform! / France Amérique Latine / Partido de la Izquierda Europea

18.00 – 20.00 (Sala B05)

7. Union Europea y América latina: Las politicas de seguridad y militarizacion que amenzan la paz mundial. Las estrategias de intervencion preventivas. Son posibles los ejercitos defensivos ? Son posibles los ejercitos defensivos en sociedades capitalistas ?

Organizado por transform! europe / Asamblea contra la Globalización capitalista y la Guerra / Partido de la Izquierda Europea / Mouvement de la Paix / Mémoire des luttes


For details please refer to: http://www.enlazandoalternativas.org/

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