Europe and the Tumult of the Capitalist Crisis – Neoliberal Policies and Left Alternatives

Panel Discussion

Nicos Poulantzas Institute

46, Kerameikou Str.

transform! europe supports this event organised by the Nicos Poulantzas Institute on the current political and economic situation in Europe.



Marica Frangakis, Member of the Board of Nicos Poulantzas Institute and member of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group

Euclid Tsakalotos, Greek Finance Minister

Werner Raza, Coordinator of the EuroMemo Group, Director of ÖFSE – Austrian Foundation for Development Research

Judith Dellheim, Senior Fellow at Rosa Luxemburg Foundation


Beginning: 18:30;

The languages of the event will be English, German and Greek, there will be simultaneous interpreting.

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