transform! will participate in the two-day event with contributions on issues as diverse as productive transformation and European industrial policy, ecological transition (in view of the UN International Conference on Climate Change, December 2015 in Paris), the challenges of labour, social economy and commons, the European struggle against austerity and with the Greeks, the contributions of universities for another Europe, the struggle for a democratic Europe, the evolution of the actors for the alternative in Europe.
The Forum, which will be an initiative of an unprecedented scale, is open from conception to implementation to all forces and interested citizens. Our goal is to organize a major political and popular event with the participation of at least 2,000 people, part European, high-level guests (European dimension of personalities including ministers of the new Greek government), political activists, unions, and social movements. Saturday, May 30 in the evening, we will organize a big concert at Republic Square in Paris named “Peoples, rise up”.
Thematic activities
(The names of the workshops are provisional)
Saying goodbye to austerity, for solidarity policies in Europe
- A recovery? Where is the recovery? Investing to deal with social emergencies: a plan? For what kind of growth?
- A high level of public services for a high level of rights (Energy / housing / childhood / health)
- Equality: the struggles continue (Women’s rights / LGBT)
- What future for the youth?
Regain power over money
- Debt: European problem, European solutions
- Change the banking system (banks / European Central Bank)
- Taxation: justice and the fight against fraud and tax evasion
- Budgets: popular sovereignty and European solidarity
What ecological and emancipatory production model?
- Challenges and ecological alternatives (COP21 / success the ecological transition)
- A modern industry: to produce what? For who? How?
- Working in the 21st Century (new organization / new rights)
- Collaborative economy, concrete alternatives (ESS / Open-models)
- Reappropriate our food
For a real democracy, a Europe of freedoms
- Building a democratic Europe of citizens power
- Make the emancipated Europeans: what educational and cultural policies? (education / Cultural / Sport)
- Big data, spying, anti-terrorist laws: how to protect our freedom and private life?
- Ethics and general interest: the fight against corruption, conflict of interest and clientelism
Another Globalization
- The 21st century: a world of mobilities. For a new migration policy
- Towards a common development (to defeat the TTIP / EU partnerships with the world / commons / Mediterranean)
- Building peace in Europe and all over the world (Ukraine / Security Policy disarmament or European army?)
Making the peoples of Europe win: go on the offensive!
- After the victory of SYRIZA, making the left grow in Europe and beating the far right
- Dominant Media, Alternative Media: win the battle of information
- Social Struggles: meeting of unions activists
- Active Solidarities
- What cooperation of the elected left?
Facebook: European Forum for Alternatives
Twitter: ForumAlternativ
Registration: Please register online or by email to Maximilien:
For latest updates click here.
Friday, 29 May
19:00 / Cultural Evening “Operation Correa”
Screening of Pierre Carles’ film, with the collaboration of Nina Faure and Aurore Van Opstal
PCF Headquarters (Dome), 2 Place du Colonel Fabien, Paris 19th
Saturday, 30 May
10:00- 12:00 OPENING PLENARY
Austerity, enough. Our goal: human development in Europe
Main tent, Republic Square
5 politicians (3FR, 2EU) / 3 unionists / 3 personalities
Animation: Anne Sabourin & Igor Zamichiei, coordinators of the Forum
Translation: English
12:00 Happening by “Occupy your bank”
An action whose content will be revealed to you at the first plenary
Rue du Temple, Paris 3rd
12:30-14:00 / With the Greeks against austerity and for democracy – Together towards a week of European mobilization (20-27 June)
Meeting of European social movements (Altersummit, transform! europe, Copernic Foundation)
Main tent, Republic Square
Raffaella Bolini (Cambia Grecia – Cambia Europa, Italy), Felipe Van Keirsblick (Altersummit), Attac Europe, Yiannis Bournous (member of the secretariat of Syriza, responsible for foreign affairs), Corinna Genschel (Blockupy, Germany), Alexis Cukier, Elisabeth Gauthier, Pierre Khalfa and other members of the collective “with the Greeks”, Vangelis Goulas (Syriza Paris), Collective “Marseille with Greeks”, 22M Representative (Spain)
Translation: English
13:00-16:30 / Common goods and public services of tomorrow
Seminar in 2 stages
Seforex Hall (Theatre), 10 Cité Joly, Paris 11th
Water, a common good
Struggle for Water in Ireland (Sinn Féin), Ricardo Petrella (European citizens’ initiative “Right2Water”, Italy), JC Oliva (President of the Association “water common good”), Ernst Urtasun (MEP, ICV, European Greens, Catalonia), a local councilor
Animation: Emmanuelle Planque (Collective for Public services, North)
Public services of tomorrow
Michel Jallamion (President of Convcergence of Public services), Christophe Delecourt (UGFF-CGT), Murielle Guilbert (Solidaires Public-finance), Pablo Sanchez (EPSU – European Public Services Union), Marc Mangenot (Copernic Foundation), FNME Representative, Michael Galin (FSU), Manolis Kosadinos (Psychiatrist, France-Greece Health Solidarity), transportation unionist
Animation: Janine Vaux (Collective for public services, Corrèze)
Translation: English, Spanish
13:00- 16:30 / Fighting against youth unemployment and job insecurity: the case of the youth guarantee
PCF Headquarters (Conference Room) 2 Place du Colonel Fabien, Paris 19th
Claudia Candeloro (National Secretary of the Giovani Comunisti, Italy), MJCF, JOC, UNEF, MJS, Young environmentalists, young GU, Ensemble youth DIDF young, CGT-young (TBC), UNL
Animation: MJCF
Translation: English
13:00-15:00 / Cooperating against tax evasion
PCF Headquarters (Dome), 2 Place du Colonel Fabien, Paris 19th
Hervé Falciani (former HSBC employee, whistleblower of the “Lagarde list”), Sophie Binet (UGICT-CGT), Eric Bocquet (Senator, France), Raoul Hedebouw (MP, PTB, Belgium), Jean-Marc Durand (PCF, France), Aurélien Beleau (club of the « Afflicted Socialists »)
Animation: Jean-François Bolzinger
Translation: English
13:00-16:30 / What are the alternatives to challenge the neoliberal offensive in education, higher education and research?
Workshop in 2 stages
Gymnasium Philippe Auguste, Avenue Philippe Auguste, Paris 11th
Introduction: Sonia Crivelli (EMP)
Part 1 – Higher-Education: Vinzenzo Pavone (researcher, Italy), Marc DELEPOUVE (unionist), Jean Paul Lainé (FMTS), Sigfrido Ramirez (University of Copenhagen, transform!), Adoracion Guaman (University of Valencia, director of FEC, Spain), Janine Guespin (Espace Marx, transform!), Annicq Jacq (Orsay University)
Part 2 – educational policies: Marine Roussillon (PCF), representing e-FSU, Maria Gassouka (Syriza, Greece)
Animation: Maxime Benatouil and Hugo Touzet
Translation: English
13:00-15:15 / Diversions and exploitation of the Social and Solidary Economy by the capitalism: the “Social impact Bonds”
Ecole des métiers de l’information, 7 rue des Petites Ecuries, Paris 10th
Screening of a short film
Introduction by JC Boual (Collective of citizen associations, France)
With: transform! europe, Gabriel Peri Foundation, Association for self-management, collective of citizens’ associations, social Dating, PCF, Global social justice, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, S4A, Nicos Poulantzas Institute
Translation: English
13:30-16:30/ Convergence of social and ecological struggles: where are we?
Gymnasium Philippe Auguste, Avenue Philippe Auguste, Paris 11th
Christophe Aguiton (Coalition climate 21), Hervé Bramy (PCF), Marlis Gensler (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Germany), Marc Delepouve (unionist, transform!), Siham Houri (ANSASS), Filippos Gkanoulis (Green Party, Greece), Aurélie Trouvé (Attac France)
Organised by Climate Coalition 21, transform! europe, Copernic Foundation, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, ANSASS, Foundation for Political Ecology
Translation: English, Greek
14:00-16:30 / Priority for jobs and social emergencies
Gymnasium Philippe Auguste, Avenue Philippe Auguste, Paris 11th
Judith Benda (Die Linke, Germany), Nasos Iliopoulos (Syriza secretariat member for Labour), Paloma Lopez (MEP GUE-NGL, Izquierda Unida), Macron law (trade unionist), activist of the 22M movement (Spain), Asbjørn Wahl (trade unionist, Norway)
Translation: Greek, Spanish, English
14:00-16:30 / Building a democratic Europe of the citizens’ powers
BSA, 11-15 rue Courat, Paris 20th
Etienne Balibar (Philosopher), Christophe Ventura (Mémoire des luttes), Natasa Theodorakopoulou (Syriza / EL, Greece), Gustave Massiah (World Social Forum, CRID), Barbara Spinelli (MEP, Italy), Jean-Marc Roirant (European Civic Forum, General Secretary Teaching League), Patrice Cohen Seat (Espace Marx)
Animation: Francis Wurtz
Translation: Italian, English
14:30-16:30 / A world of mobility: for a new migration policy
Main tent, Republic Square
Introduction: Marie-Christine Vergiat (MEP Front de Gauche) and Michel Agier (CNRS researcher)
Hatem Geribi (watch the Med network), Leonard Vincent (journalist specialized in Eritrea), Nicola Delvino (Amnesty International – Europe), Stefano Galieni (PRC, Italy), Fabien Perrier (journalist), Raffaella Bolini (PRC, Italy)
Translation: Italian, English
14:30-16:30 / A new ethic in politics: the fight against corruption, conflicts of interest and vote-catching
PCF Headquarters (Cafeteria), 2 Place du Colonel Fabien, Paris 19th
Margarita Mileva (Vice-President of the EL, Bulgaria), Evelyne Sire Marin (Magistrate), Giorgos Vassiliadis (General Secretary for the fight against corruption, Greece), Bruno Piriou (Local councilor, author of “Cursed Money”), an Anticor representative
Animation: Nicole Borvo (former senator, Espace Marx)
Translation: Greek, Italian, English
14:00-16:30 / Reappropriating our food, quality food for all
MRJC Headquarters, 53 rue des Renaudes, Paris 17th
Maxime Bergonso (Rural Movement of Christian Youth), Jean-Christophe Robert (Farmers Association), Jean-Marie Le Lame (unionist, public agricultural teacher), Lydia Senra (MEP Izquierda Unida, Via Campesina, Spain), Fanny Gaillanne (PCF Advisor for the city of Paris in charge of food), INDECOSA – CGT, Friends of the Saharawi Republic (Western Sahara), Laurent Pinatel (Spokesman of the Peasant Confederation), Jean Mouzat (Chairman of MODEF), Xavier Compain (Agriculture Coordination EL)
Animation: Olivier Morin (journalist)
Translation: Spanish, English
14:00-16:30 / From Big Brother to Big Data: defend our freedoms
Screening of a short film followed by a debate
PCF Headquarters (room 26-27), 2 Place du Colonel Fabien, Paris 19th
Judges’ union representative, Yann Le Pollotec (PCF), Dominique Curis (Amnesty International France), Quadrature du Net representative, EELV representative
Translation: English
14:30-16:30 / Modern industry: Produce what? For whom? How?
Seforex (Plenary Hall), 10 city Joly, Paris 11th
FGTB representative (Belgium), FIOM representative (Italy), Bernard Devert (CGT), Jürgen Klute (former MEP, Die Linke), Heinz Bierbaum (Die Linke, Germany), Savas Robolis (Institute of Greek labour), Elisabeth Gauthier (Espace Marx, transform! europe), Nicolas Bonnet (President of the group PCF-FdG at the Paris City council), Cédric Durand (economist)
Amination: Christian Pilishowski
Translation: Italian, English
14:30-16:00 / What instruments to build a peaceful world? The culture of peace, from local to global
Wedding Room of the 10th arrondisment city hall (72 rue du Fbg St Martin)
Philippe RIO (Mayor of Grigny, President-AFCDRP Mayors for Peace France), Behar Abraham (President Association of Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War), Miho Shinma (Ambassador for peace from the city of Hiroshima), Manolis Glezos (MEP Syriza, Greece), Peace Movement representative, UNESCO representative
Animation: Michel Cibot (General Delegate of AFCDRP)
Translation: Greek, English
15:15-16:30 / Cooperative development in Europe
Ecole des métiers de l’information, 7 rue des Petites Ecuries, Paris 10th
Benoit Borrits (Association for self-management), Jean Huet (Gabriel Peri Foundation), Sylvie Mayer (FGP), François Longérinas (SCOP leader)
With: transform! europe, Gabriel Peri Foundation, Association for self-management, collective of citizens’ associations, social Dating, PCF, Global social justice, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, S4A, Nicos Poulantzas Institute
Translation: English
15:30 / Feminist happening by “Zero Macho”
Passers-by and participants in the Forum will be invited to act for women’s rights with boards and flatirons.
Republic Square
With the presence of Hélène Bidard (Mayor deputee of Paris for Women’s and Human Rights)
17:00-19:00 PLENARY 2
Democracy versus banks. Regain power over finance
With politicians, economists and other personalities
Main tent, Republic Square
17:30 – 19:30 / LGBT rights in Europe: what progress?
Le Duplex (25 rue Michel Le Comte, Paris 3rd)
Anni Kivisto (LGBT Working Group of the EL, SKP, Finland), Ian Brossat (Mayor deputee of Paris, PCF, France), Cristina Semblano (Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal), SOS Homophobia (France), InterLGBT collective (France)
Translation: English
Cultural evening dedicated to the migrants
Republic Square
Sunday, 31 May
9:00-11:30 / Financing public spendings and public services in Europe
Main tent, Republic Square
Giorgos Katrougalos (Greek Minister of Public Services, Syriza), Trevor Evans (EuroMemorandum, Germany), Frédéric Boccara (Economist, PCF), Alain Grandjean (N. Hulot Foundation, France), Pouria Amirshahi (PS MP, France), Christiane Marty (Copernic Foundation), Marisa Matias (MEP Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal), Patricia Tejas (CGT-Finance), DGB Economist (Germany)
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / Concrete solidarity
Forest Hill, 28b Avenue Corentin Cariou, Paris 19th
Myrto Bolota (Solidarity for All, Greece), Collectif France-Greece for health, Sofie Merckx (spokeswoman of “Medicine for the people”, Belgium)
Animation: Amadou Deme
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / Women’s Struggles in Europe
Gymnasium Philippe Auguste, Avenue Philippe Auguste, Paris 11th
Giorgia Ekonomou (Greek finance ministry cleaners), Fatou Doumbia (Hair-cutters of the 57 bvd Strasbourg), Member of Parliament of Navarre (PCE, Spain), Malin Bjork (MEP, Sweden), Christiane Marty (Copernic Foundation), Laurence Cohen (Senator, PCF), FAE representative
Animation: Hugo Pompougnac
Translation: English, Spanish
9:00-11:30 / Defeat the TTIP
PCF Headquarters (Dome), 2 Place du Colonel Fabien, Paris 19th
Patrick Le Hyaric (MEP, Director of l’Humanité), Eleonora Forenza (MEP Rifondazione comunista, Italy), Collectif Stop Tafta (France), Representative of the European Citizens’ Initiative “Stop TTIP”, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Theodora Kotsaka (Nikos Poulantzas Institute, Greece), Kenneth Haar (Corporate Europe Observatory, Denmark)
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / Dominant Media, Alternative Media: win the information battle
BSA, 11-15 rue Courat, Paris 20th
Norma Rangieri (Director of Il Manifesto, Italy), Gunther Walraff (writer and investigative journalist, Germany), Pasquale Serrano (investigative journalist, columnist Mundo Obrero, Spain), Vagelis Papadimitriou (ERT unionist, Greece), Christophe Kantchev (editor of Politis, France), Patrick Apel Muller (Mankind, France), Henri Malher (Acrimed, France)
Curzio Maltese MEP (Italy)
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / An audit of the debt, an European issue
AGECA (main room) 177 rue de Charonne, Paris 11th
Zoe Konstantopoulou (President of the Greek Parliament), Thomas Coutrot (Collective for a debt audit, France), Citizens’ Initiative on debt (Portugal), Henri Sterdyniak (economists, France), Eric Toussaint (Commission for Truth on the Greek debt, CADTM)
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / Defeat the populists and the far Right
Gymnasium Philippe Auguste, Avenue Philippe Auguste, Paris 11th
Gyorgi Droppa (Hungarian anti-fascist Movement, European Greens, Hungary), Finn Sørensen (MP Red-Green Alliance, Denmark), Mirko Messner (Leader of the Austrian Communist Party), Left Alliance representative (Finland), representative Union campaign against the FN, Elisabeth Gauthier (Espace Marx, transform! europe)
Animation: Louis Weber
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / The EU and the Mediterranean
PCF Headquarters (Conference Room), 2 Place du Colonel Fabien, Paris 19th
Inger Johansen (Red-Green Alliance, Denmark), AKEL representative (Cyprus), Tunisian political organization, Said Sougty (Democratic Voice, Morocco), political organization from Spain
Animation: Claudia Haydt
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / Peacebuilding in Ukraine and Europe
Pelleport Room, 66 Avenue Pelleport, Paris 20th
Francis Wurtz (honorary MEP, PCF, France), Elena Tchaltseva (researcher and political scientist, Ukraine), Heinz Bierbaum (International Department of Die Linke, Germany), Nils Anderson (Political analyst, community activist on peace issues, disarmament and the UN), Magali Picano Nacci (member of the National Council of the Movement for Peace, moderator of the Peace Committee of Lyon)
Animation: Lydia Samarbakhsh
Translation: Russian, English
9:00-11:30 / Social Justice, Climate Justice: mobilizing the youth for the Cop 21
AGECA, 177 rue de Charonne, Paris 11th
With the Young Friends of the Earth, Warn, Alternatiba, MJCF, PG sector university, GU youth, Ensemble youth, MJS, Nouvelle Donne Campus, Young Greens
Translation: English
9:00-11:30/ Make banks and ECB useful for jobs and a real economy
Pelleport Hall (Great Hall), 66 avenue Pelleport, Paris 20th
Corinna Genschel (Blockupy, Germany), Dominique Plihon (economists), Denis Durand (Economist, PCF), Pierre Khalfa (Copernic Foundation), Kent Hudson (for bank transparency on local activities, USA), Fabio De Masi (MEP Die Linke, Germany), Haris Golemis (transform! europe, Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Greece)
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / Work in the 21st century: new organization, new rights
Gymnasium Philippe Auguste, Avenue Philippe August, Paris 11th
Laurent Garrouste (Copernic Foundation), Christian Pilichowski (transform! europe), Véronique Sandoval (PCF / EMP), Roland Merieux (Ensemble), Tony Fraquelli (CGT group on Health at Work), Adoracion Guaman (FEC, Spain), Yann Lelann (Espace Marx), Mathieu Gregoire, Lucien Jallamion (R & S)
Translation: Spanish, English
9:00-11:30 / Commons, autogestion, pathways toward the alternative
Ecole des métiers de l’information, 7 rue des Petites Ecuries, Paris 10th
Chantal Delmas (transform! europe), Francine Mestrum (Global Social Justice), Marlis Gensler (Rosa Luxembourg Foundation), Marie Christine Vergiat (MEP, Intergroup EHS, Left front), Roberto Musacchio (transform! italia), Theodora Kotsaka (Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Greece)
Translation: English
9:00-11:30 / Fighting against all kinds of racism
PCF Headquarters (26-27 Room), 2 Place du Colonel Fabien, Paris 19th
Human Rights League representative, MRAP, Fabienne Haloui (PCF), René Monzat (Front de Gauche anti-racist)
Translation : english
After the victory of Syriza, an alliance to win the European showdown?
Main tent, Republic square
With politicians and movements personalities
Animation: Elisabeth Gauthier
Translation: English