European Left in Movements and Governments

Seminar on the Socialist Forum in Stockholm, Saturday 28 November 2009, Stockholm, ABF-huset, Sveav


The development of the European Left is very ambigious. In most countries it is on the defensive, with weak participation in social movements, and without parliamentary influence over the government. But in some cases it is the other way around.

The Left is gaining strenght, is a driving force in and movements and/or is participating directly in national or regional governments. We have gathered some of the European Lefts more succesfull exemples to discuss strategies and lessons to be learned. And finally – what has happened with the announced organizational development in the Swedish Left Party.



Steve McGiffen, editor of and activist in the Duth Socialist Party

Ingrid Fiskaa, member of the board of the Norweigian Socialist Left Party

Participant from German Die Linke

Anki Ahlsten, party secreterary oft he Swedish Left Party

Chair: Aron Etzler, editor oft the Swedish weekly Flamman

Organizers: Socialist Debate, Center for Marxist Social Studies (CMS), Transform! Europe, The Left Party in the Stockholm region, och ABF (Labour education association) Stockholm


Seminarium på Socialistiskt Forum lördag en 28 november

Stockholm, ABF-huset, Sveavägen 41

Sandlersalen: 11-12.30

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