Genova 2011: Seminars on Basic Income, Citizenship and Water

In July we will see a strong – at least so we hope –  mobilization in Genoa, in an effort to re-connect social movements, unions, associations after ten years of antiglobalization struggles  and of  strong efforts to propose alternatives. The financial, economic, and social crisis has provoked the centralization of power in the EU, in parallel with the bail-out of the banks and the financial systems and the destruction of  social rights, the reduction of wages and pensions, the casualization of  work, the social dumping, the privatization of public assets, the war against  migrants. We are watching, and supporting, the Arab democratic revolutions,  and opposing the war against the Libyan people.

In Europe, in spite of  the general strikes and  mass demonstrations, the situation is socially  and politically  very difficult.  Above all, we are not able to connect the struggles at a European level, therefore the social movements are constrained in the national borders. The last meetings in Paris and the mobilizations against the G8 are important steps, but we should increase  the occasions to discuss and to forge coalitions in order to fight the policies against the peoples decided by the governments and the European elites in Brussels.

‘Genoa 2001-2011’ will be useful if people from all Europe can come, so this will become an occasion to deepen our discussion and to build alternatives.

In the frame of  ‘Genoa 2001-2011’ some of us, who are engaged in the FSE and in the process of the Charter of Another Europe, are organizing three seminars and an assembly on some European issues. Representatives of unions, associations, magistrates, etc. are all involved in the organization of these meetings.



The three seminars are about:

1. Basic income (19 July, 2.30-5.30 pm; Meeting Hall, 1 S. Agostino)

2. Citizenship by residence (20 July, 9.30-12.30 am; Palazzo Ducale, Sottoportico)

3. Water, as a common good (21 July, 9.30-12.30 am; Tursi Hall)

Finally, the assembly ‘Another Europe is possible ’ (22 July, 9.30-12.30 am; Sottoportico Palazzo Ducale).



The themes will be treated from a European point of view, therefore it is very important that  European people take part in the seminars and in the assembly. Our goal is to forge ‘European coalitions’, based on common strategies.

The organization is still on the way, and the final decisions are yet to be made, so if some people are interested in participating please let me know asap.

I am quite aware that there are many more problems concerning  Europe, but I think that these represent important challenges in order to defy some dangerous policies pursued by the European elites.


martedì 19 luglio, ore 14.30-17.30
sala convegno di Sant’Agostino1

mercoledì 20 luglio, ore 9.30-12.30
sottoporticato Palazzo Ducale

giovedì 21 luglio, ore 9.30-12.30
Salone di rappresentanza, Tursi

venerdì 22 luglio, ore 9.30-12.30
Università, Via Balbi

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