‘Global and Institutional Crises and Red-Green Alternatives’

International Transform!Danmark Conference 2018

HK København
Svend Aukens Plads 11
2300 Copenhagen S

The principal focus of this year’s – the 7th international conference organized by the Transform!Danmark network – is the global crisis and red-green alternatives.


The conference will continue the objective of the previous conferences to explore left alternatives in the economic and ecological field, but seen in the context of the developing global and European crises.

As pointed out in the introduction to the conference, we need to debate how to respond to the growing systemic crisis, requiring systemic red and green alternatives.

The theme will be explored in a plenary in the morning as well as in two parallel seminars in the afternoon: One on how to combat climate change – and the role of ecosocialism and ecofeminism. The other on our common goods – resisting privatization; reclaiming public services.

There will as well be organized workshops and time for networking.

Registration: kontakt@transformdanmark.dk

Participation fee (to cover for food and drink during the day): 100 DKK (to be paid in cash at the entrance)

Organisers: Transform!Danmark in cooperation with the transform! europe, Enhedslisten/the Red­Green Alliance, Det Ny Clarté, Solidaritet, Afrika Kontakt, DiEM25-Copenhagen, NOAH – Friends of the Earth, and others.


How to respond to the growing systemic crisis in Europe and globally? This is a combination of multiple crises – political, social, climate and environmental – requiring systemic alternatives. System criticism is not enough. The conference is a contribution to the debate on if and how to break with the capitalist system underlying the crises and to develop red and green alternatives.


Saturday, 17 March 2018

9:30 Registration and coffee/tea etc.

10:00 Welcome


  • Daniel Tanuro (Belgium, author, environmentalist and ecosocialist): “Urgency of an Ecosocialist Alternative. How to fill the gaps in emissions and in consciousness?”


  • Elizabeth Mpofu (Zimbabwe, General Coordinator of La Via Campesina International): “Alternatives to the ecological crisis, the food crises and the climate crisis”

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-13.15 Questions and debate

13:15-14:15 Lunch

14:15-17:00 Parallel seminars

Seminar 1: To combat climate change – the role of ecosocialism and ecofeminism
  • Yayo Herrero (Spain, Anthropologist, Director of FUHEM, Ecologistas en Acción): “Ecofeminist views to confront the Anthropocene”
  • Asbjørn Wahl (Norway, author and trade unionist, director of the Campaign for the Welfare state): “The role of labour in the fight against climate change”
Seminar 2: Our common goods – resisting privatization; reclaiming public services
  • Birgit Daiber (Germany, author and publisher, transform! Commons Working Group, The Common-Good-of-Humanity-Network): “Left politics and Commons-movements in Europe”
  • Nanna Clifforth (Denmark, NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark): “Earth Incorporated: The impacts of trade and privatisation on nature”
  • Wanda Wyporska (UK, Executive Director at The Equality Trust, campaigning organization working for greater equality): “Our common goods – reclaiming public services”

16:00-16:15 Coffee break

16:15-17:00 Workshops and networking

17:00-18:00 Concluding debate in plenary between the speakers of the conference and the participants on the main topics of the day.

More detailed information concerning speakers and their contributions at: www.transformdanmark.dk

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