International People’s Summit For Peace in Ukraine

Peace by Peaceful Means

Johann-Böhm-Platz 1, Vienna 1020
(direct link to Google Maps)


On June 10/11 international civil society is gathering in Vienna, Austria. The aim of the Peace Summit is to publish an Urgent Global Appeal, called the Vienna Declaration for Peace, calling on political leaders to act in support of a ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine.


A conference to discuss the controversial questions related to the Russian-Ukrainian war, to hear the voices of civil society representatives of the various NATO countries, as well as representatives from Russia and Ukraine who support the aims of the Peace Summit.

Participants from the Global South will share the dramatic consequences this war has had for the people in their countries and emphasise how they can contribute to peace. The Conference will focus not only on critics and analysis, but also on creative solutions and ways to end the war and how to prepare negotiations. This is not only the task of states and diplomats but nowadays more and more also of a global society. The conference will include a combination of lectures, working groups, expert groups, and dialogues.

After the summit a march in Vienna to the various NATO-country embassies, as well as the embassies of Russia and Ukraine and international organisations located in Vienna will take place to meet with embassy representatives and deliver the Vienna Declaration for Peace from people around the world; The summit will also be supported by a send-off for delegations to visit the capitals of various European countries with the purpose of meeting with government officials and international organisations.
Also, further events for late 2023 will be developed.

Why Vienna?
Austria is a neutral country. It is a “UN City” and the home to the Secretariat of the OSCE (the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe), which had been monitoring the situation in the Donbas since the signing of the Minsk II agreement.

Join the People’s Peace Summit!
It is the responsibility of peace movements all around the world and of all peace-loving peoples to strengthen these efforts. The Vienna Summit for Peace in Ukraine can be a powerful sign of hope and a catalyst for more and stronger peace actions globally. The future of humanity hangs in the balance; we must seize the moment before it’s too late.

Contact: International Peace Bureau, Berlin
E-mail: viennaconference[at]

Click here for registration

Location of the event: ÖGB-Catamaran, Johann-Böhm-Platz 1, Vienna 1020
(for direct Link to Google Maps, click here)
Closest Metro station (U-bahn): Donaumarina, line U2
From Wien Hauptbahnhof: S1 (or S2, S3) > U2

The International Peace Summit will be held in a hybrid format. There will be also an opportunity to join the conference virtually.
More details on Peace Vienna Website.

The event will be held in English.

Inviting Organisations:

International Peace Bureau / CODEPINK / Assembly of the World Social Forum / transform! europe / Europe for Peace / International Fellowship of Reconciliation Italy (IFOR) / Peace in Ukraine / Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security (CPDCS) / Prague Spring 2

Local Organisers and Supporters:
AbFaNG (Action Alliance for Peace, Active Neutrality and Non-Violence) / Institute for Intercultural Research and Cooperation (IIRC) / Herbert C. Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation / WILPF Austria / ATTAC Austria / IFOR Austria

CODEPINK / transform! europe / Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation


The detailed programme can be downloaded on the right/below (mobile version) under ‘Documents’ (ISPUkraine-2023—Event-Programme, PDF).

For more information visit

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