Is Southern Europe the Weak Link of European Integration? Tracing Possible Areas of Cooperation among Movements and Parties.

International Conference



Voz do Operário, Rua da Voz do Operario, 13


This fall, transform! europe hosts a space of debate and reflection on the impacts of the past decade European policies on Southern countries. We aim at looking into the future and building common cooperation strategies as an alternative model to the current European Union. 

Southern European countries represent the failure of the existing European integration. Despite their differences, all of them were the victims of various ‘bail-out packages’ imposed by the Troika as well as by the general authoritarian EU policies of austerity, which supposedly were the answer to exit from the recent systemic crisis. The result was that their structural weaknesses, like labour precariousness, have increased together with unemployment, poverty and the loss of labour and social rights. In front of this situation, a Conference gathering scholars and political actors from parties, trade unions and movements will reflect on what has been done and, particularly, on what has to be done by the Left, trade-unions and social movements, which in most Southern countries are stronger than those in the rest of Europe.


Registration (free but limited to the available space):


This Conference is organized by transform! europe and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung – Liaison Office Madrid


Day 1, 26th October

18.00 – 18.30

Welcome by the Organisers

Haris Golemis, Scientific and Strategic Advisor of transform! europe

Tatiana Moutinho, Facilitator of the Project “Cooperation Strategies for Southern Europe” of transform! europe


18.30 – 20.30

Effects of European Integration on Southern Europe: what is to be done?

Annamaria Simonazzi, Professor of Economics, University of Rome Sapienza University, Italy

Costis Hadjimichalis, Professor Emeritus of Economic Geography and Regional Planning, Harokopio University, Greece


Day 2, 27th October

09.30 – 11.45

The South under Austerity Programmes: Effects on Economies and Societies. The role of the Left

Eduardo Garzon, Economist, United Left, Spain

José Soeiro, MP from Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal

Yiannos Katsourides, Political Scientist, Director of the Prometheus Institute, Cyprus

Petros Linardos-Rulmond, Economist, Vice-President of the National Institute    of Labour and Human Resources, Greece

Andrea del Monaco, Economist, Italy


11.45  12.00 Coffee Break


12.00  13.45

Fighting Tax Evasion 

José Gusmão, Economist, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal

Federico Severino, Director of Institute 25M, Spain

Cuca Hernández, ATTAC, Spain


13.45  14.30 Lunch Break


14.30  16.30

Deregulation of Labour Markets in southern Europe: Effects, Resistances and Government Policies

Steffen Lendhorff, Economist, Institute for Work, Skills and Qualifications, Germany

Adoracion Guaman, Associated Professor of Labour Law and Sociology, Spain

Maria Karamessini, Professor in Labour Economics and Economics of State Welfare, Panteion University, Director of Manpower Employment Organization (OAED), Greece

Hermes Costa, Sociologist, Professor at CES-University of Coimbra, Portugal


16.30  17.00 Coffee Break


17.00  19.15

Fighting Precarity (session I)

António Mariano, President of the Dockers’ Trade Union, Portugal

Carlos Gutierrez Calderon, Youth of Comissiones Obreras, Spain

Yota Lazaropoulou, General Secretary of National Bank employees’ – former Ethnodata Trade Union, Greece

Daniela Busin, CGIL, Italy


Day 3, 28th October

09.30 – 11.30

Fighting Precarity (session II)

Andrea Allamprese, Universidade of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Nasos Iliopoulos, Deputy Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, Greece

Wanda Guimarães, MP from the Socialist Party, Portugal

Daniel Carapau, Activist against Precarity (PREVPAP), Portugal


11.30  11.45 Coffee Break


11.45 – 13.45

Social transformation in Southern Europe: Facing the Constraints of the European Treaties and Institutions

Effie Achtsioglou, Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, Greece

Representative of the Portuguese Government, Portugal (to be confirmed)

Economist, Portugal (to be announced)

Carlos Sanchèz Mato, Municipality of Madrid, Spain


13.45 – 14.45 Lunch Break


14.45 – 16.45

Conclusions, Proposal for Enhanced Cooperation of the Southern Radical Political and Social Left, follow-up

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