Media Alliance. Building a Leftist European Public Opinion for the Future of Europe


transform! Italia aims at creating a network among journalists and activists throughout Europe, active in the sphere of the left and who share a desire to construct a leftist European consciousness among people.


The Covid-19 pandemic has shown in a particularly clear way how important it would be for European citizens to have access to public debate to get a firm sense of the issues, allowing them to make the right decisions for themselves. Out of the need for a public opinion that is purely European and uninfluenced by a national slant on the news, often dominated by unbridled neoliberalism.

On 7 May the first public event of the initiative will take place. The choice of date was determined by its closeness to the day dedicated to Europe and two very important events: the Social Summit for discussing the social pillar at Porto and the opening of the Conference for the Future of Europe promoted by the EU’s Commission, Parliament, and Council.

Surveys as the Eurobarometer reveal that people generally identify as Europeans but much less frequently as citizens of the European Union. Relevant questions are mostly perceived in ways determined by being part of a particular state rather than by one’s political orientation or social class. There is an evident lack of daily public information on European questions. Our priority would now have to be the creation of a system of pluralist information that contrasts with fake news and ensures press freedom for professionals of the media sector.

Friday, 7 May
10.30 am to 1 pm (CET)

English, French, Italian

under the participation of journalists of:

Avgi, Epochí,, Left, L’Humanité, Mundo Obrero, Solidaire,

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