Memory – What is it useful to us?

MICAR 2019 International Film Festival

Teatro Municipal


Have we learned from the past? Is it possible to deny the past? Which are the risks of forgetting the past or parts of it? – This year, the films presented on the MICAR anti-racist film festival deal with these and other questions of individual and collective memory – again with the support of transform! europe.


History, and what we are told about History, is also a product of what we hear at home, in school, in books, in the media, and also in public spaces, and in the names
of the streets, the statues and monuments.

What History have we built from our Individual and Collective Memories?
Memory is a central element in the construction of Identity. However, Memory and its own construction are subject to inevitable biases: what we remember and how we remember are reconstruction products and not faithful remembrances. We also know that the stories we tell shape the stories we chose to build for the future and the role we want to play in it.
This means that in order to defend our Identity, both individually and collectively, we are highly vulnerable to distorting our role in History, our origins, what connects us, what separates us, as well as our responsibilities and mistakes we may have committed…

Find further information at the website of the MICAR festival.

Find the programme for download on the right (PDF) (Portuguese).


Thursday, 3 October


O Canto do Ossobó
Silas Tiny
1h38m | 2017 | Portugal

Friday, 4 October


A Lupa
Nazgol Emami
10m | 2018 | Germany

Sara & Morris
Diana Menestrey e Camilo Colmenares
4m | 2018 | Germany

Susann Hoffmann
4m | 2015 | Germany

Fábula da Vó Ita
Joyce Prado e Thallita Oshiro
5m | 2016 | Brasil


Johanna Bentz
15m | 2018 | Germany

Dorothy la vagabonde
Emmanuelle Gorgiard
8m | 2018 | France • Belgium

Une girafe sous la pluie
Pascale Hecquet
12m | 2007 | France

O fim do recreio
Vinicius Mazzon e Nélio Spréa
18m | 2011 | Brasil


O Bairro da Formiga
Rui Pilão
3m | 2019 | Portugal

The Way Out
Petr Václav
1h43m | 2014 | Czech Republic • France


Black Panther
Agnès Varda
31m | 1968 | France • USA

Saturday, 5 October


The Way Out
Petr Václav
1h43m | 2014 | Czech Republic • France


Skye Fitzgerald
34m | 2018 | USA

A People Uncounted
Aaron Yeger
1h39m | 2011 | Canada

Hungary 2018
Eszter Hajdú
1h25m | 2018 | Hungary • Portugal


Black Out
38m | 2016 | Brasil

Além do Espelho
Ana Flauzina
52m | 2014 | Brasil • USA

Sunday, 6 October


Handsworth Songs
John Akomfrah
1h03m | 1986 | UK


A People Uncounted
Aaron Yeger
1h39m | 2011 | Canada

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