Move Up! No profit on People and Planet

International Web Conference

In this conference, the Citizens’ Memorandum was discussed by political figures from all across Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. The Citizens’ Memorandum, formulated by the “Move Up 2021 Initiative”, analyses the key obstacles to needed social changes and presents the most relevant solutions that need to be implemented.



Tuesday, 18 May 2021
16:00 – 20:00 (CET)


Citizens’ memorandum


On the occasion of the G20 Global Health Summit in Rome (May 21, 2021), a group of Italian, European and international organizations took the initiative to draft and disseminate a Citizens’ Memorandum on the urgent reasons for a world public health policy, in the face of the failure, and the devastating consequences on the lives of billions of people, of the “national” policies to fight against Covid-19 implemented for more than a year and a half in subjection / collaboration with the world’s leading private pharmaceutical companies

The conference is structured in two parts. From 4 to 5 pm the emphasis will be placed on Italian-European issues – speakers: Vittorio Agnoletto, Paolo Cacciari, Nicoletta Pirotta, Loredana Marino, Paolo Ferrero, Domenico Rizzuti. From 5 pm to 8 pm, attention will be given to international aspects. Hence the presence of Manon Aubry (Co-President of the Left Group in the European Parliamant), Marc Botenga MEP, Nina Sankari, Heinz Bierbaum (Party of the European Left), and personalities from Brazil (Armando De Negri and Moema Viezzer), Chile (Luis Infanti de la Mora, bishop of the diocese of Aysén, northern Patagonia) from Argentina (Anibal Faccendini), from France (Alassane Ba, Jean-Piere Wauquier), from Belgium (Catherine Schlitz, Pierre Galand) from Lebanon (Lilia Ghanem), from Senegal (Awa Marie Col-Seck, Minister of State), from Rwanda (Diane Gashumba, former Minister of Health), from India (Vijay Prashad, historian and writer), from Italy (Riccardo Petrella). Roberto Morea and Roberto Musacchio preside over the works.

In conjunction with the conference, two street demonstrations of high symbolic value will be held in Belgium on the initiative of the Agora of the Inhabitants of the Earth, in cooperation with other organizations (including trade unions). These are two “consortiums”: in Liège, from the Town Hall to a hill where a hospital is located; in Brussels, from the popular district of the Marolles to the Palace of Justice. In Italy there will be demonstrations and presides in presence in Rome and Matera on the 21st and a national demonstration on Saturday 22nd in Rome.

The Citizens’ Memorandum, the results of the international conference and the resolutions adopted at the end of the events will be transmitted for information to the Italian Prime Minister and the President of the European Commission (co-sponsors of the G20 Global Health Summit) and to the corresponding local parliamentary institutions, national and European.

A world public health policy cannot ignore: reaffirming the primacy of the universal rights to life of all the inhabitants of the Earth, including the rights of nature; recognize Humanity as a political and institutional subject, a key player in world regulation; abolish private patents for profit on living and artificial intelligence; to put finance at the service of the life of all the inhabitants of the Earth by declaring speculative and predatory finance illegal.

To read the full text of the Citizens’ Memorandum, click here.

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