Organizing for Social Justice – Methods and Experiences. Workshop with Steve Hughes

Studies of Socialism 2019


The next event of the Studies of Socialism 2019 programme, organized by the Centre for the Politics of Emancipation (CPE) and supported by transform! europe, will encompass methods and experiences of organizing for social justice.


Steve Hughes, member of the US based Working Families Party, will introduce the participants to the differences of US tradition of organizing community based and will focus on single issue struggles as well as on European tradition that emphasis the place of ideology within social struggles and building larger scaled movements. These traditions have been converging in the last ten years. Therefore, the workshop will focus on best practice examples and skills like canvasing and storytelling. The workshop will also critically exam the concepts of leadership and power since these concepts have ambivalent interpretations within left-wing movement.


Studies of Socialism is an educational programme, established in 2017 by the Centre for the Politics of Emancipation in cooperation with Rosa Luxemburg Foundation – Southeast Europe and transform! europe. The programme is focused on developing knowledge that can strengthen capacities for the struggle for workers’ and women’s rights as well as for defending public goods. It comprises the basics of socialist economic and political concepts, concrete alternative political proposals the left actors can articulate today and organizational know-how for obtaining required political goals.

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