Protecting Children Against Violence


source: Pixabay,

Masarykov dvor, Pstruša 339


The Topic of protecting children against violence is very actual all over the world. Violence is found in schools, families, among young people in communities and has different forms like cyber-bullying, online sexual exploitation or physical/psychological violence, verbal abuse etc. About the importance of this topic talks also a huge range of surveys, which verify that children have experiences with all types of violence. Risks of violence increase during emergencies that weaken the abilities of families and communities to protect children. Girls, in particular, face serious risks of gender-based violence during emergencies.

Because of these reasons non-profitable organization called Forum of social justice and National Coordination Centre for Resolving the Issues of Violence against Children decided to organise a Conference Support of Multidisciplinary coordination of entities – protecting children against violence, which focuses on close and family relationships in children´s life. National Coordination Centre for Resolving the Issues of Violence against Children implements the National Strategy for the Protection of Children against Violence, adopted by the resolution no 24/2014 of the Government of the Slovak Republic and cooperates with ministries, regional and local self-government, institutions and experts regarding issues of violence committed against children.

One incorrectly made decision in lifes of children can affect them in different ways. Because of the 100th anniversary since the Czechoslovakia was found, it is a very good chance to make an overview how the protecting of children was organized in the past, is organize actually and could be organize in the future. These three previews offer an image how the system of protecting children, who are exposed against violence, is changing.

Conference will be attended by the Minister of labour, social affairs and family of the Slovak republic JUDr. Ján Richter, by Mgr. Mária Vargová director of National Coordination Centre for Resolving the Issues of Violence against Children and by major experts in topics of children protection, multidisciplinary cooperation in cases of children protection against violence, social – economical context of family crisis etc.





Masarykov dvor, Pstruša 339, Vígľaš


09:00-10:00 Presentation of participants

10:00-10:25 Opening of Conference by representative of the Minister of  labour, social affairs and family of the Slovak republic

10:30-12:00 Doc. PhDr. Oldřich Matoušek CSc.

~ Institute of social work Faculty of phylosophy UK Prague

12:00-12:15 PaedDr. Nadežda Čabiňáková

~ Editorship Portál, literature interested in topic protecting children against violence

12:15-13:00 Lunch Break

13:00-13:30 Doc. PhDr. Ivan Mrva, CSc.

~ historical overview to a protecting children against violence

13:30-14:00 PhDr. Zuzana Kusá, CSc.

~ Social-economical context of family crisis

14:00-14:30 PaedDr. Lenka Kubrichtová

~ Experiences with organization of workshop „Child in crisis“ in Czeh republic,                   KALOKAGATHIE s.r.o., Praha

14:30-15:00 Mgr. Mariana Kováčová, PhD.

~ Multidisciplinary coordination

15:00-15:20 Discussion and conclusion

15:20-15:40 Opening of Slovak-Cuban festival by Her Excellency Yamila Pita Montes, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba in Slovakia

15:40-16:30 Transport to Detva

16:30-21:00 Cultural centre of Andrej Sládkovič in Detva (reception, discusion, multidisciplinary cooperation and cultural program)

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