Public Debate: “The Crisis: The European and Latin American Perspective”

Salle Espace Marx / 4, rue Rouppe / Bruxelles

Salle Espace Marx / 4, rue Rouppe / Bruxelles


The public debate is organised by Transform! Europe. European network for alternative thinking and political dialogue and Association Culturelle Joseph Jacquemotte

Participants of the public debate:

Pedro Paez (Director of the National Bank of Ecuador and member of the UN-Commission on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System, former finance minister of Ecuador)

Francois Houtart (Director of the Tri-continental Centre and member of the UN-Commission on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System) – t.b.c.

Ruurik Holm (Legal representative of transform!)

Marcello Ossandon (Professor emeritus of the ULB)

Walter Baier (Coordinator of transform! and editor of the journal transform!)

Jean Pierre Michiels (President of ACJJ)

Following the break out of the international crisis the President of the United Nations General Assembly established a commission of Experts (known also as the “Stieglitz commission”) whose mandate is to reflect on the causes of the crisis and suggest adequate responses.

In our debate we will try to assess its out comes and incorporate in the debate also the alternatives forwarded by the different forces of the social an political Left.

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