Re-appropriating Europe as a Common

transform! and RLF Workshop at the Marseille European Forum

Arthimedes /


Dock Des Suds
2 Rue Urbain V
13002  Marseille

European Forum of Progressive Forces: A new space for long-term political cooperation, bringing together a very broad panel of left, green and progressive parties, of platforms and political movements, trade unions and social organisations, NGOs, intellectuals and citizens’ movements from all over Europe.


In the frame of the European Forum of Progressive Forces in Marseille from 10 to 11 November 2017, transform europe! and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Brussels Office will co-organize a workshop.

Despite the return to modest economic growth in the EU and the Euro group the scars of the economic crisis persist. The European Union still operates in a crisis mode. Inside the Left a debate on how to cope with the crisis of European integration has begun. What are the possible strategies for changing Europe? What is the latitude granted by the European treaties for progressive reforms and can the European Union altogether be transformed on the basis of the existing treaties? Which are the strategic implications either way? Does the Left have to choose between support of the neoliberal integration and retreat to national sovereignty? Is there a third option for an alternative plan for Europe? What might be its criteria?

  • Maria Karamessini, Professor for Social Policy at the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens
  • Walter Baier, Political Coordinator of transform! europe
  • Marianne Dufour, Member of DiEM 25’s Coordinating Collective
  • Steffen Lehndorff, Research fellow at the Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation, University Duisburg-Essen
  • John Weeks, Professor emeritus for economics at SOAS, London

Moderator: Angelina Giannopoulou, transform! europe

Practical information

When: Saturday 11th November, 10:00-12:00
Where: “Salon Rouge”, Dock Des Suds, 12 Rue Urbain V, 13002 Marseille

There will be English – French translation.

About the Marseille Forum

The Marseille Forum will take place on 10 – 11 November 2017. This pluralistic and open forum shall offer spaces for green, progressive and left-wing forces to discuss burning short-term and long term strategic challenges and opportunities for Europeans and Europe – in short our common future.

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