Rise of Right Wing Populism, Authoritarianism, Fascism


Walter Baier, Board member and former Political Coordinator of transform! europe, participates in the webinar with Bill Fletcher, Jr., Sangeeta Kamat and Tarso Ramos on Monday, 28 September, 20:00 (CET).


President Obama fears a loss of democracy in the U.S. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris echo similar warnings. Bernie Sanders calls us to unite against rising authoritarianism in a popular front. Cornel West speaks of the danger of fascism looming over the country. We hear similar concerns from Europe and Latin America. Liberal democracies are in crisis around the world. Why is this happening and what can we do about it?

That is the issue a distinguished panel will address in a webinar “Rise of Right Wing Populism, Authoritarianism, Fascism” on 28 September. Bill Fletcher, Jr., executive editor of globalafricanworker.com and author of Solidarity Divided will interview Walter Baier, Sangeeta Kamat, south Asian leftist in Massachusetts, and Tarso Ramos of Political Research Associates.

They will probe such questions as What is the difference between authoritarianism and neo-fascism? What has led to the loss of legitimacy of liberal democracy? Is President Donald Trump the cause or a symptom? Why do democratic governments seem to be less able to govern effectively? How is the rising concentration of wealth leading to increasingly authoritarian political power? How has neoliberalism destabilized social structures, resulting in multiple crises of migration, climate and economic? How can progressive social movements respond? Why is there such a toxic combination of racism and nationalism in the extreme Right? How can the Left counter the Right’s appeals to individual choice and an amorphous “freedom”? Is the Left stuck on an outdated paradigm? What are the prospects of massive citizen engagement turning things around?

This webinar is part of a weekly series on a variety of social issues featuring thought provoking speakers. The Center for Global Justice is devoted to research and learning for a better world. We offer these webinars every Monday at 20:00 (CET)/13:00 (CDT).


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