“Sconfinate Frontiere”: The Unprecedented Analysis of the Migration Phenomenon

Book Presentation and Discussion


Centro Studi Sede operativa
Via Dandolo 58
00153 Roma

and online

The series of Dialogues and Readings organised by CSER (Centro Studi Emigrazione Roma), in collaboration with ASCS (Agenzia Scalabriniana per la Cooperatione Allo Svilupo), will resume on Wednesday 22 February with the presentation of the book “Sconfinate Frontiere” (Boundless Frontiers).


The project Dialogues and Readings (Dialoghi e Letture) was launched in 2016 with the aim of shedding light on books and studies dealing with the phenomenon of migration. In particular, the idea is to provide a space for the presentation of books and essays that offer a further opportunity for in-depth study and debate on the subject of migration.

The book “Sconfinate Frontiere. Riace: l’eccezione che ha rifiutato la regola” (Boundless Borders. Riace: the exception that refused the rule) by Fulvia Teano and Alessandro Tedde analyses the particular democratic self-government of migration that has developed over the years in Riace, Calabria. In particular, the authors begin their analysis of the migration phenomenon by examining three particular aspects that have taken place under recent Italian governments.

The migration phenomenon will be analysed in the light of the failure to sign the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the securitarian management of the migration crisis. It will also critically examine the distorted media narrative on migration.

For further information, please visit the event-website of the Centre for Emigration Studies in Rome.

The book was published in cooperation with transform! europe and Sinistra XXI. For more information on the book, click here.

Watch here the recording of the book presentation:

Interpretation: Italian

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