Seminar Festival of the Democratic Civic Association (DCA)

International Seminar Festival

Matinkylän Pirtti, Espoo

and online

The topics of this year’s Seminar Festival, which is organised by Democratic Civic Association (DCA) — a member organisation of transform! europe — will be on the environment, peace and economic and political injustice of the world. Warm welcome to join!


The goal is to open and deepen the discussion on these themes and to provide a speaker platform for organisations that are active and willing to present these issues.

The Festival aims to raise the social awareness of the participants and the public in the form of a seminar on a number of burning and perhaps lesser-publicised issues.

Saturday 18 June – Sunday 19 June
Matinkylän Pirtti, Espoo
and online
To participate via Zoom, click here.  

Languages: English, Finnish
Saturday: speeches in English and simultaneous Finnish-English-Finnish interpretation
Sunday: only in Finnish, no interpretation

Democratic Civic Association (DCA), Finnish educational association for adult learning; Non-Governmental Organization, established in 1986; transform! member organisation

For more information, click here.


Saturday, 18 June 2022

(simultaanitulkkaus suomi-englanti-suomi / simultaneous interpretation Finnish-English-Finnish)

11:50 (CET): Tervetuloa / Welcome words

Speaker:  Jari Karttunen, DSL/DCA

12:00 (CET):  The African dilemma

Speaker:  David Okelo

12:30 (CET):  Shedding the imperialistic shacles toward a free mind

Speaker: Myrian Munezero, Think Africa ry

13:00 (CET):  About Western Sahara situation

Speaker: Baida Rahal, Polisario

13:30 (CET): Tauko/Break 30 min

13:45 (CET): The past and present realities of injustice

Speaker:  Walter Fondo, African Civil Society in Finland

14:30 (CET):  Politic of collateral damage

Speaker: Ike Chime

15:00 (CET):  Tauko/Break 15 min

15:15 (CET):  Decoloniality as a way to change imperialistic relations

Speaker:  Paola Minoia, docent, senior university lecturer / dosentti, vanhempi yliopistonlehtori

16:00 (CET): The prison as a Tool of Control

Speaker:  Humhrey Kalanje

16:30 (CET): Political control abaft West indies

Speaker:  Kimeka Francis

17:00 (CET):  Vapaata keskustelua / Free conversation

17:30 (CET): Tauko/Break 30 min

18:00 (CET):  Iltaohjelma / Evening show

West African dance show / Performance

19:30 (CET):  Lauantain lopetus / End of Saturday part of seminar

Sunday, 19. June 2022

(vain suomeksi, ei tulkkausta / only in Finnish, no interpretation)

12:00 (CET): Tervetuloa / Welcome words

Speaker:  Jari Karttunen, DSL

12:15 (CET): Eläinoikeudet

Speaker:  Jarno Huusko, Eläinoikeuspuolue

13:00 (CET): Rauha ja ympäristö

Speaker:  Bex Tapanainen, Kommunistinuoret

13:45 (CET): Tauko 15 min

14:00 (CET): Vihreä imperialismi

Speaker:  Jari Karttunen, DSL

14:45 (CET): Feministinen talousjärjestelmä

Speaker:  Emilia Taskinen, Feministinen puolue

15:30 (CET): Loppukeskustelu

16:00 (CET): Seminaarifestivaalin lopetus

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