Societies on Sharing (S.O.S.)

9th Balkans Beyond Borders (BBB) Short Film Festival

Museum of Contemporary art of Vojvodina, Dunavska 37

Transform! Europe supports the BBB Short Film Festival, which, this year, aims to raise awareness on the current socio-political and environmental challenges, including migration, radicalization and climate change.


BBB Short Film Festival is an annual thematic short-film festival that takes place in a different Balkan city every year engaging new audiences and raising awareness through its different thematic. It has a great quality programme featuring Balkan short films of young filmmakers promoting the cultural richness of the region and the quality of Balkan productions. It gives voice to emerging film makers with limited opportunities and creates a hub where film makers meet, discuss new projects and share best practices. After each screening Q&A sessions will follow with the filmmakers.



Venue: Museum of Contemporary art of Vojvodina, Dunavska 37

 – BBB Competition Programme with Q&A sessions

BBB Competition Programme consists of short films inspired by this year’s topic Societies on Sharing which are made by film makers from the Balkan region up to the age of 35. This year’s programme consists of 30 short films.

 – BBB Beyond: International Programme (out of competition)

BBB FOCUS – Estonia

Estonian Short Film Center is proud to present a special selection dedicated to Estonia’s 100th anniversary. In this program, you will discover six Estonian filmmakers who have left their mark on the last decade and have distinguished themselves around the world with their talent and uniqueness.


Parallel Events

 – Interactive Drawings Exhibition powered by transform! europe

“Colours of a Journey” is a digital archive of the memory of migration that was inspired by an exhibition organized by ARCI, displayed during the Sabir Festival of Cultures, 2016. The platform hosts paintings made by newcomer children around Europe, envisioning their past, their present and their future and helps supportive structures to organize and host workshops and exhibitions with the collected materials. As art is a medium that bridges linguistic and cultural barriers and images are often better able to communicate complex experiences and emotions than words, CoJ is designed to collect and exhibit paintings and illustrations and thus create a space in which the questions “why did these people leave their homes? what does their life look like now? what kind of a future do they envision for themselves? “are answered by the newcomers themselves. This way we can provide a strong alternative to the current politics of fear, restore conditions for solidarity and trust, and hereby fortify the foundation of our common life in Europe. Children, as the most fragile and sincere witnesses/makers of history, should come first.

Venue: Cultural Center Svilara (map)

 – Learning Cafe about cultural accessibility powered by Mikrokosmos

Learning café is a simple, effective and flexible format for hosting large group dialogue. Through this Learning Café, we will try to change institutional mind-sets, searching for possibilities where one previously saw limitations. 7 invited organizations will have the opportunity to speak with students in Novi Sad. Each flow session will have 5 to 6 cafés and guests can visit all of them in consecutive sessions of 10 minutes each. The purpose of this event is to propose new opportunities to young people in Novi Sad and raise dialogue upon cultural and mobility issues.

Venue: Cultural Center Svilara (map)

 – Workshop “A person is a person through other persons” powered by Inter Alia

Our modern societies and the fast pace of life have undermined community socialization. People lack of trust and real connection to other people. Their main drive of action and being seem to be growth and profit oriented, promoting competitiveness instead of compassion and solidarity. In this workshop, we want to explore an alternative imaginary beyond competition and towards mutual concern, caring and sharing between and among us, as well as with our wider environment. We invite you to join us sharing life experiences of cooperation and learning more about the Ubuntu philosophy of Bantu speaking people in Africa.

Venue: Academy of Arts (room to be announced soon)

Round Table discussion about migration in the European context, powered by transform! europe

Venue: Cultural Center LAB (Dr Hempta 2)


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