The Corbyn Effect. Discussion with Adam Klug (Momentum)

Studies of Socialism 2018

Social Centre “Oktobar”, Strahinjića bana 33


The Centre for the Politics of Emancipation, Social Centre “Oktobar” and transform! Europe invites you to a discussion with Adam Klug, one of the founders of Momentum, a movement that operates in the UK by supporting Jeremy Corbyn and the political transformation of the Labour Party.


Although it seemed that the Labour Party of Great Britain had completely abandoned the initial political course of the workers’ party, Jeremy Corbyn’s victory in the 2015 internal elections led to a left turn. The enthusiasm that followed this turn was confirmed in the new internal elections that followed in 2016 when Corbyn received even greater support. By putting an emphasis on issues that have been neglected in the past decades – falling living standards, growing job insecurity and shrinking public services, etc. – Labour continue to strengthen. In 2015 several organizers launched Momentum, a grassroots movement that runs various campaigns that are supporting Corbyn’s politics from outside of the party structures. With its work, Momentum seeks further transformation of the Labour Party by emphasizing participatory democracy, solidarity and politics that insist on the interests of the many, not the few.

Adam Klug is a co-founder of Momentum, the people-powered, grassroots movement working to transform Britain in the interests of the many, not the few. As a school teacher on summer break, Adam volunteered on the Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Leader campaign in the summer of 2015. Four weeks after Corbyn’s victory, he became one of three staff members who helped to establish and build Momentum. He worked as a National Organizer, playing a central role in developing Momentum from its launch in a borrowed office space with no money, to a volunteer-driven membership organization of over 42,000 paying members, internationally renowned for innovative campaigning and revitalising the Labour Party. During Corbyn’s 2016 leadership campaign, Adam was the Head of National Volunteer Mobilization where he introduced a host of innovative, distributed, volunteer organizing techniques, enabling people to participate in the campaign at scale. Adam played a leading role in developing and delivering Momentum’s highly regarded general election campaign in 2017, combining grassroots organizing and cutting-edge digital media. He has acted as a spokesperson for the organisation and has advised progressive campaigns internationally, including in: Canada, the USA, Australia, Tanzania and across Europe.

beginning: 19:00


The event is part of the Studies of Socialism programme, which the Center for Politics of Emancipation organizes during 2018 with the support of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and transform! Europe.

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