The Crisis of Europe and its Institutions

Symposium: History of Europe

Maison des Sciencesde l’Homme Paris Nord
20, avenue George Sand
93210 Saint-Denis la Plaine
Metro Line 12: Front Populaire ou RER B : La plaine-Stade de france


The international colloquium on the history of Europe and its institutions is jointly organised by Espaces Marx, transform! europe, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Fondation Gabriel Péri, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord, CNRS, University Paris 13, and University Paris 8.



Thursday, 11 May


Introduction: Marga Ferré (FEC, Spain), Francis Wurtz (Honorary MEP, France)

Europe of peace, international solidarities and anti-racist movements


Round table I: Fights against fascism and the extreme right: the impasses of an analysis in terms of totalitarianism

Speakers: Roger Martelli (Historian, France), Detlef Nakath (Historian, Germany, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

15.30-16.00: Break


Round table II: Europe of peace? Cold War and European construction

Speakers: Serge Wolikow (Historian, France), Silvio Pons (Historian, Italy), Fritz Weber (Historian, Austria)


Friday, 12 May

“Social Europe”: between creations of rights and liberalization of the labour market


Round table I: A class struggle at the European level? Assessment of workers’ movements and European political alliances

Speakers: Sia Anagnostopoulou (Historian, Greece), Jean-Numa Ducange (Historian, France)

10.30 -11.00: Break


Round table II: Social Europe and European rights: stocktaking and perspectives

Speaker: Claude Didry (Sociologist, France)

12.30 -14.00: Lunch


Criticism of popular institutions and aspirations


Round table: The European idea, from enthusiasm to divorce

Speakers: Baier Walter (transform! europe, Austria), Marie-Christine Vergiat (MEP, France)

15.30 – 16.00

Conclusion and closure


In partnership with the Seminar “Emboîtement des crises” of Jean-Numa Ducange and Razmig Keucheyan

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