The Middle East at Historical Crossroads



Gusshausstrasse 14/3


Already for the third time, transform! europe organises the Symposium “The Middle East at historical Crossroads”, which will be taking place in our offices in Vienna, from the 15th to 17th of February.


This year’s focus is on Workers and Workers rights in Israel and Palestine. The Symposium is organized in round table sessions and aims to provide a safe space for in-depth political discussion among politicians, activists, artists and civic society representatives from the region and Europe, including MPs of the Knesset and representatives of the Palestinian authority.

The symposium is accompanied by an exhibition of works inspired by the topic, by contemporary artists from the Middle East, many of which will be present. This exhibition includes a special section devoted to historical photographs that document the early years of the workers unions and organizations in Israel and specifically in Haifa. “Hahistadrut” for unity and sharing the Israel’s largest workers union was born in Haifa in 1920, around a century ago. Many of the exhibits come from Hasistadrut ‘s archive.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on Friday the 15th of February at 16:30.


Please note that the Symposium is closed to the broader public and we follow a strict invitation policy. Therefore do not forget to register by sending an email to:




15.2.19 FRIDAY

Opening session

14:30 -16:30: “Work and Worker’s rights”

Katerina Anastasiou, Facilitator Global Strategy, transform!europe

Dr. Walter Baier, political coordinator, transform! Europe
Yosi Ben Bassat, Co-initiator of the Vienna Symposium
Marcus Strohmeier, representative of Austrian Trade Union Federation
Professor Yoseph Yonah, MP of Labor Fraction Knesset Israel
Rabbi Dov (Dubi) Hayun, Deputy mayor of Haifa
Ashraf Al Ajrami, Manager of communication center – Palestinian authority
Mosi Raz, MP, Meretz, Knesset


16:30 -17:30: Opening of the Exhibition: “what about Work and Worker’s rights?”

Curator: Shirley Meshulam

Producer: Yosi Ben Bassat

Session 1

17:30 -19:30: “Political Round Table – The Situation in the Middle East”

Moderation: The Head of “Hashomer Ha-Tsa`ir”- Vienna

Mosi Raz, MP, Meretz, Knesset
Ashraf Al Ajrami, Manager of communication center – Palestinian authority
Professor Yoseph Yonah, MP of Labor Fraction Knesset Israel
Zouheir Bahloul, Former MP of Labor Fraction Knesset Israel
Hasan Barghouthi, Secretary General of Arab Network for Advocacy and Workers Education
Hamutal BLANK, Political adviser Hadash Fraction, Knesset, Israel


16.2.19 SATURDAY

Session 2

10:30 -13:00: “Work and Workers in Israel”

Katerina Anastasiou, Facilitator Global Strategy, transform!europe
Yosi Ben Bassat, Co-initiator of the Vienna Symposium

Efraim Zilony, Lawyer, Chairman of the Social and Economic Department- Former deputy Chairman of the trade Union department in the Histadrut
Yifat Solel, Lawyer, Chairwoman of the Cooperatives Alliance for Social, Economic and Environmental Justice, Israel
Reham Abu Elasal, Chairwoman of Naamat, Nazareth, Hadash
Rabbi Dov (Dubi) Hayun, Deputy Mayor of Haifa
Professor Yoseph Yonah, MP of Labor Fraction Knesset Israel


Session 3

15:00-17:00: “Work and Workers in the Palestinian Authority”

Walter Baier, political coordinator, transform!europe

Hasan Barghouthi, secretary General of Arab Network for Advocacy and Workers Education
Ashraf Al Ajrami, Manager of communication center – Palestinian authority
Hamutal BLANK, Political adviser Hadash Fraction, Knesset Israel
Zouheir Bahloul, Former MP of Labor Fraction Knesset Israel
Reham Abu Elasal, Chairwoman of Naamat, Nazareth, Hadash
Rabbi Dov (Dubi) Hayun, Deputy Mayor of Haifa


17.2.19 SUNDAY

Session 4

10:30 -12:30: “Work and Workers in Art”

Yosi Ben Bassat, Co-initiator of the Vienna Symposium

Rabbi Dov (Dubi) Hayun, Deputy Mayor of Haifa
Shirley Meshulam, curator
Tali Ben Dor, photographer, Artist
Osama Zatar, artist
Avivit Ballas Baranes, artist

– Lunch –

13:30 – 16:00: Concluding notes and round table

Dr. Walter Baier, political coordinator, transform!europe
Yosi Ben Bassat, Co-initiator of the Vienna Symposium

Professor Yoseph Yonah, MP of Labor Fraction Knesset Israel
Ashraf Al Ajrami, Manager of communication center – Palestinian authority
Zouheir Bahloul, Former MP of Labor Fraction Knesset Israel
Hamutal BLANK, Political adviser Hadash Fraction, Knesset Israel
Reham Abu Elasal, Chairwoman of Naamat, Nazaret, Hadash.
Yifat Solel, Lawyer, Chairwoman of the Cooperatives Alliance for Social, Economic and Environmental Justice ,Israel
Katerina Anastasiou, Facilitator Global Strategy, transform!europe

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