The Politics of Ecosocialism: Transforming Welfare

Book Presentation

Vernon Square Campus
School of Oriental & African Studies
University of London

Center for Marxist Social Studies (Sweden), Left Forum (Finland) and transform! europe present the book “The Politics of Ecosocialism” at the Historical Materialism Conference in London.


This book discusses the idea of “red-green” or “eco-socialist” society and how to get there. In examining today’s crises of welfare capitalism as well as the challenges and conflicts of an eco-socialist society, the book analyses a social order that would combine the ideals of egalitarianism and of environmental sustainability. It discusses the key social and ecological issues related to the welfare state, including green Keynesianism, ecological Marxism, the limits of growth and no-growth, capitalist barriers to a renewable energy transition, proposals for a universal basic income and the role of technology.

(Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) Hardcover – will be published in May, 2015

Editors: Kajsa Borgnäs, Teppo Eskelinen, Johanna Perkiö, Rikard Warlenius


Sunday, 9 November


The Politics of Ecosocialism: Transforming Welfare

Chair: Rikard Warlenius – A renewable transition: Capitalist barriers and Socialist enticements
Teppo Eskelinen – Possibilities and limits of green Keynesianism
Tero Toivanen – Commons Against Capitalism
Andreas Malm – Socialism or Barbeque? War communism or geoengineering: Some thoughts on choices in a time of emergency

See the full programme of the 11th Annual Historical Materialism Conference here

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