The Radical Left in a Pandemic World: Perspectives from Europe

transform! europe at the European Forum

transform! europe supports the European Forum 2020 – a dialogue between left-wing, green and progressive groups, from political parties to trade unions and community campaigns, bringing together people from around Europe, and beyond.


10.00 – 13.00 Introduction to the debate and discussion: the pandemic as an accelerator of capitalist developments and the consequences for European Integration

Anna Mikkola, Vice-President of the EL – Vasemmistoliitto, Finland
Catarina Martins, Coordinator of Bloco de Esquerda and MP, Portugal, TBC
Georgios Katrougalos, Professor of Public Law & MP of SYRIZA, Greece
Heinz Bierbaum, President of the Party of the European Left
Juan Carlos Monedero, President of Instituto25m, Spain
Maria Karamesini, Professor of Labour Economics and Social Policy
Walter Baier, Member of the Board of transform! europe

Moderator : Angelina Giannopoulou, Facilitator of transform! europe


14.00 – 16.00 ‘Optimism of the will’: Building hope for and by the Left

Danai Koltsida, Director of Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Greece
Hugo Monteiro, Professor of Philosophy & Member of the Board of transform! europe
Marga Ferré, Co-President of transform! europe
Martin Schirdewan, Co-President of GUE/NGL in the EP, TBC
Paolo Ferrero, Vice-President EL – Rifondazione Comunista
Yann Le Lann, President of Espaces Marx, France

Moderator: Haris Golemis, Scientific and Strategic Advisor of transform! europe


17.00 – 19.00 The intervention point: Collective initiatives for the left in Europe

David Pestieau, Deputy Chairman of PTB, Belgium
Deborah James, Director of International Programs, Center for Economic and Policy Research & Coordinator of ‘Our World Is Not for Sale‘
Javier Moreno, Assistant Professor of Communication & Project Manager in Fundación por la Europa de los Ciudadanos (FEC), Spain
Katalin Gennburg, Member of the Berlin Parliament for Die Linke
Patrice Leclercq, Mayor of Gennevilliers with PCF, France, TBC
Sophie Binet, Co-Secretary – CGT executives, France, TBC

Moderator: Cornelia Hildebrandt, Co-President of transform! europe, Germany

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