‘Thinking with Marx Today’

International Conference on the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Karl Marx

Place of the Congress:
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

On the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, followers, detractors, and those who remain neutral agree that Marx has been the most influential political and social thinker of all time.


Marx has the distinction of having been not only a front-line political activist, but also an eminent economist, a distinguished historian of economics, technology, science, and politics, as well as an original philosopher, a polemicist, and a committed journalist.

In intellectual work, Marx’s drive was extremely ambitious, and almost unprecedented in the history of thought: to establish a philosophy of history, based on a solid scientific foundation, that allows for a diagnosis of the wrongs of capitalism and from which can be derived the guidelines for pragmatic, revolutionary politics.

One must not ignore the importance of his thought, and it is imperative to reconsider the figure of Karl Marx, from a perspective of his current relevance, in order to understand the challenges of the globalised world, ten years after the crisis of 2008.

On this bicentennial of his birth, the Foundation for Marxist Studies (FIM), the Foundation for a Europe of the Citizens (FEC), and the transform! Network, with the collaboration of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), assume the task of organising an international conference dedicated to the study of the work of Marx and his influence on science and pragmatic contemporary politics.

Organisers: Foundation for Marxist Studies (FIM) , Foundation for a Europe of the Citizens (FEC), and transform! europe

Collaborators: Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)

Supporters: Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI) of the UCM and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Conference website: www.pensarconmarxhoy.org

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