transform! europe at COP26

Ecology, COP26

As part of the COP26 Coalition, transform! europe co-organises discussions in the framework of the COP26 People’s Summit For Climate Justice. Bringing together the climate justice movement to discuss, learn and strategise for system change.


World leaders and experts will meet in Glasgow in November at the global climate talks, COP26. The decisions made at COP26 will shape how governments respond to the climate crisis. This takes places at a crucial moment in history: The point of no return is getting closer – the foundations for a just world where everyone’s needs are met have to be laid now.

For further reading:


Sunday, 7 November

9:30am – 1:15pm UTC: People and Nature vs the UNFCCC: A People’s Tribunal

location: Glasgow Film Theatre

language: English


  • Ambassador Lumumba Di-Aping, former Chief Negotiator for G77 and China countries
  • Pablo Solon, former Chief Negotiator for Bolivia/Fundacion Solon
  • Katerina Anastasiou, transform! europe
  • Shalmali Guttal, Focus on the Global South
  • Mithika Mwenda, Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance
  • Dorothy Guerrero, Global Justice Now and more

4:15pm – 5:45pm UTC: Reparations, Debt and Climate Justice

location: Centre for Conteporary Arts

language: English


  • Ivonne Yanez, Accion Ecologica (Ecuador)
  • Patrick Bond, University of Johannesburg
  • Lidy Nacpil, Asian Peoples`Movement on Debt and Development
  • Activists from Fridays for Future MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas) and more

Monday, 8 November

6:30pm – 8pm UTC: Rally: This global economy is killing us. How the climate crisis is a crisis of capitalism – and what we do about it

location: Glasgow Film Theatre

language: English


  • Amb. Lumumba Di-Aping, former Climate Chief Negotiator for G77 and China
  • Pablo Solon, former Climate Chief Negotiator Bolivia and Fundacion Solon
  • Maxime Gaborit, transform! europe
  • Christophe Aguiton, ATTAC France
  • Ivonne Yanez, Accion Ecologica (Ecuador)
  • Nick Dearden, Global Justice Now (UK)
  • Joshua Mata, Alliance of Progressive Labour (Philippines)
  • Dorothy Guerrero, Global Justice Now (UK)
  • Asad Rehman, War on Want
  • John McDonnell, MP Labour Party
  • Roberto Ferdinand, Marcha Mundial por Justiça Climática (Brazil)
  • Claudia de la Cruz, International People’s Assembly

Tuesday, 9 November

4:15pm – 5:45pm UTC: No Climate Justice without Climate Jobs

location: Albany Centre, 44 Ashley Street

language: English


  • Emma Cockburn, Scot3E (Scotland)
  • Nuria Blázquez, Ecologistas en Acciòn (Spain)
  • Jonathan Neale, One Million Climate Jobs (UK)
  • João Camargo, Global Climate Jobs  / Empregos para o Clima (Portugal)
  • Jean-Claude Simon, transform! europe
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